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What is Parkinson's disease


Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease. It is caused by the rapid structural degeneration of the substantia nigra in the brain and the inability to produce the neurotransmitter "dopamine", which limits the brain's ability to direct movement. Greatly hinders the patient's ability to move; the main clinical features of PD are bradykinesia accompanied by the presence of at least one other feature (resting tremor, muscle rigidity, postural reflex disorder), the symptoms and signs of the disease are often asymmetrical, and are usually Sensitivity to levodopa treatment.



Why do you get Parkinson's disease?
Many neurodegenerative diseases involve protein misfolding and accumulation. Based on pathological findings, Parkinson's syndrome can be divided into alpha-synuclein disease (α-syn) disease and tau protein disease; alpha-synucleinopathy and Tauopathies often overlap, and tau and alpha-synuclein lesions may coexist in patients' neurons and oligodendrocytes. There is a complex and dynamic interaction between α-synuclein and tau protein. Abnormal accumulation of one protein can predispose another protein to aggregate; for example, α-Syn can induce the accumulation of tau protein, forming amyloid tau protein inclusions.

How to Diagnose Parkinson's Disease?
The current diagnosis of Parkinson's syndrome relies heavily on clinical insight, combined with auxiliary testing methods such as imaging and marker detection.
A marker is an objective detection index that can evaluate normal biological processes, pathological changes, and pharmacological responses to intervention treatments. An ideal biomarker should be highly sensitive, reproducible, closely related to the disease process, cheap, and non-invasive.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is more closely related to the brain than other body fluids and thus represents a potentially reliable source of biomarkers. Unlike plasma, the blood-brain barrier does not isolate CSF from the brain. Most of the proteins and peptides that can directly reflect specific brain activities and pathological changes can diffuse into the CSF. In addition, CSF can be continuously tested to study protein changes involved in pathological processes, so CSF can contribute to the diagnosis of PD to a certain extent.



What are the relevant targets for Parkinson’s?
Parkinson's disease, like most neurodegenerative diseases, has complex and dynamic interactions between underlying pathologies; in order to achieve early diagnosis and accurate prognosis of the disease, large-scale, longitudinal cohort studies combining different forms of biomarkers are needed, as follows List some related PD molecular targets for everyone:

Related molecular targets
1) Aβ42: A 42-amino-acid-long polypeptide that tends to accumulate into amyloid protein. Compared with normal groups, cognitive impairment and dementia are more common in patients with Parkinson's syndrome, which has a negative impact on quality of life and life expectancy. ;
2) α-synuclein (α-syn): a 140 amino acid long protein, located in presynaptic nerve terminals and widely distributed in the brain; α-Syn is considered an intracellular protein, which Able to transfer between cells, leading to pathological changes in PD;
3) Tau protein and phosphorylated tau protein: Tau protein is crucial for the function of microtubules in axons and plays an important role in the structural integrity of neurons and axons. When hyperphosphorylated, the binding affinity of microtubules decreases, leading to disorders, and at the same time, abnormal conformation leads to protein accumulation and the formation of inclusion bodies;
4) Neurofilament proteins: Neurofilament proteins are the main structural units that maintain axonal diameter and the size and shape of neurons; therefore, they are extremely important for the integrity of neuron morphology and the conduction of nerve impulses. They are mainly composed of 3 types of proteins with different molecular weights: light chain, intermediate chain, and heavy chain.
5) Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP): GFAP is a protein mainly expressed in astrocytes; studies have found that the level of GFAP in the CSF of patients with Parkinson's syndrome is significantly higher than that of healthy people;
6) 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG): 8-OHdG is one of the markers of oxidative and mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration and malignant tumors; studies have shown that in CSF of non-dementia PD patients, 8- OHdG levels were significantly higher than those in the control group;
7) Uric acid: Uric acid is an endogenous potential antioxidant component. Although there is much evidence suggesting that patients with PD have lower serum uric acid levels, cerebrospinal fluid studies have not yielded consistent results.
8) Chemokine ligand 1 (fractalkine): Fractalkine is a cellular inflammatory factor that plays neurotrophic and anti-apoptotic effects in the central nervous system. Relevant studies have shown that the ratio of fractalkine/Aβ42 is related to the severity of PD disease and Progress is closely related;
9) Kallikrein 6 (neurosin): Neurosin is a protein expressed in human brain tissue and can cleave α-Syn;

10)Neprilysin: Neprilysin is a membrane-bound presynaptic protein involved in the Aβ clearance process;



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