안녕하세요! Microarray용 glass slide 전문 브랜드 Schott Nexterion 한국 대리점 코아사이언스 입니다.다양한 functional group으로 코팅된 고품질의 coating slide glass를 공급하고 있습니다.관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 주세요~ SCHOTT MINIFAB's FREE Webinar - Wednesday, December 11, 2024 Join our webinar to explore the latest trends in prototyping and manufacturing microfluidic devices made from glass, along with cutting-edge funct..

Label protection stickers, Low temperature compatibleAnti-Frost Label Protector냉동 보관시 서리로 인해 라벨의 문자가 식별하기 어려워지는 것을 막아주는 라벨 보호 씰입니다. 액체 질소(−196℃) 저장 보관 환경에도 대응하고 있습니다. 간단히 라벨 위에 붙이는 것만으로 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다.The label on the sample tube will have frost during storage in the freezer or liquid nitrogen, and frost makes tough to find any markings. Moreover, long-term storage in the freezer sometimes loses..

iSpacer 0.4mmAn imaging spacer keeping the biological tissue in good shapeCat.# IS309 / Size: 50 piecesCat.# IS319 / Size: 250 piecesDatasheetHighlights -Double-sided sticky -One circular well Information iSpacer® are made from adhesive tapes in different thickness. Simply press a spacer to a microscope slide or coverslip, a sealed watertight well is formed to contain RapiClear in place and prev..

iSpacer 0.25mmAn imaging spacer keeping the biological tissue in good shapeCat.# IS308 / Size: 50 piecesCat.# IS318 / Size: 250 piecesDatasheet Highlights -Double-sided sticky -One circular well Information iSpacer® are made from adhesive tapes in different thickness. Simply press a spacer to a microscope slide or coverslip, a sealed watertight well is formed to contain RapiClear in place and pr..

Rubber ring for securing Mouse/Rat wound CS Wound maintenance ring (Mouse, Rat) Cat.# R-CSC086-01 / Size: 20 pieces Cat.# R-CSC165-01 / Size: 20 pieces Murine model is widely used for a wound healing and repair test.During this test, circle type of splint made of silicone are used to keep the wound opening and that enable to observe the healing process of wounds.In general, cyanoacrylate adhes..

Non-Printed Microscope Slides These slides are sold by the case (10 gross per case). * Gross Quantity (144 microscope slides per gross) PLAIN SLIDES #031-1400 10 & up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TWIN FROST SLIDES #031-1450 10 & up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHITE COLORFROST SLIDES #031-1325 10 & up . . ...

iSpacer® Imaging SpacerAn imaging spacer keeping the biological tissue in good shapeiSpacer 0.05mmiSpacer 0.1mmiSpacer 0.3mmiSpacer 0.15mmiSpacer 0.2mmiSpacer 0.35mmiSpacer 0.55mmiSpacer 0.05mmiSpacer 0.25mmiSpacer 3mmiSpacer 7mmiSpacer 0.05mm iSpacer 0.15mm iSpacer 0.2mmiSpacer 0.5mmiSpacer 1.0mmiSpacer 0.15mmiSpacer 0.25mmiSpacer 0.2mm iSpacer 0.5mmiSpacer 1.0mm Information iSpacer® are made ..

Solid-SuperR 350-µm mouse kidney slideCat.# K01 / Size: 1 slide/pkDatasheet / SDSHighlights -Super-resolution 3D imaging such as SIM, STED, Airyscan, and NSPARC-Blood vessel in AF 555-Nervous system in AF 647-Nuclei in DAPIDescription InformationThe antifade Solid-SuperR® kidney slide features a fluorescently labeled mouse renal specimen polymerized and embedded in the high-refractive-index pol..
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