티스토리 뷰

Ginkgo biloba L.


As one of the leading manufacturers internationally, PhytoLab overs over 1,500 extensively documented herbal reference substances of all classes of natural compounds. Our portfolio includes all relevant reference substances applied in the analysis and quality control of ginkgo leaves, extracts and finished products.
Genus Ginkgo
The genus Ginkgo (family: Ginkgoceae) is composed of only one species, Ginkgo biloba L. The ginkgo tree, a „living fossil“, originally occurred throughout the world, but survived as an endemic species only in Southeast China. In the early 18th century it was introduced to Europe. Today, ginkgo is widely cultivated as an ornamental tree in Asia, Europe and North America, not only because of its general beauty but also due to its strong resistance to pollution, insects and plant diseases in general. Ginkgo trees can become well over 1000 years old.
Medicinal use
Cooked or roasted ginkgo seeds, or more precisely the gametophytes, are a traditional part of the Asian cuisine. Seeds are also used in traditional Chinese medicine. Ginkgo leaves can be consumed as a tea, but usually powdered leaves or special extracts are applied in medicinal products. The European Union herbal monograph on Ginkgo biloba L. leaves describes the well-established use of a dry extract, prepared with 60 % aqueous acetone, for the purpose of improvement of (age-associated) cognitive impairment and of quality of life in mild dementia. The traditional use of powdered ginkgo leaves is described for the relief of heaviness of legs and sensation of cold hands and feet associated with minor circulatory disorders, after serious conditions have been excluded by a medical doctor.
phyproof® reference substances for the analysis and quality control of Ginkgo biloba L.
Sesquiterpenes and Diterpenes
Reference Substance Product No.
(-)-Bilobalide 89167
Ginkgolide A 89204
Ginkgolide B 89205
Ginkgolide C 89206
Ginkgolide J 89329
Ginkgolic acids
Reference Substance Product No.
Ginkgolic acid C13:0 89678
Ginkgolic acid C15:1 89522
Ginkgolic acid C17:1 89207
Ginkgolic acids RN (mix of the three individual ginkgolic acids) 89480


Reference Substance Product No.
Isorhamnetin 89314
Kaempferol 89235
Quercetin (dihydrate) 89262 (89263)

Pyridoxine derivative 

Reference Substance Product No.
Ginkgotoxin hydrochloride 82638

TLC markers

Reference Substance Product No.
Chlorogenic acid 89175
Rutin 89270

Chemical composition
Ginkgo contains some unique terpene lactones, i.e. bilobalide and ginkgolides A, B, C and J. Other typical constituents are various flavonol mono- and diglycosides, e.g. the 3-glucosides and the 3-rutinosides of quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin. Due to their complex mixture the flavonol glyosides are usually analyzed only after hydrolysis, which results in a more simple HPLC profile dominated by the respective flavonols. Ginkgo also contains various alkylphenols, i.e. gingkolic acids (6-alkylsalicylic acids) and urushiols (3-alkylcatechols) which have a known allergenic potential. Ginkgotoxin is a toxic vitamin B6 analogue. Biflavonoids with diverse biological properties have been reported as well e.g. Ginkgetin, Isoginkgetin and Bilobetin.


In European Pharmacopoeia, a specification for flavonoids, expressed as flavone glycosides, is given in the monograph on Ginkgo leaf. Chlorogenic acid and rutin are used in the TLC identification test. In the assay, the sum of the peaks due to quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin (and other peaks eluting between those compounds) is determined by HPLC. The monograph on Ginkgo dry extract, refined and quantified additionally defines a content for bilobalide and ginkgolides A, B and C and a maximum content is set for ginkgolic acids.

In the United States Pharmacopoeia, the dietary supplements monograph on Ginkgo specifies a minimum content for flavonoids, calculated as flavonol glycosides, and for terpene lactones, calculated as the sum of bilobalide and ginkgolides A, B and C. Unlike in EP, only the signals due to quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin are considered in the calculation of of total flavonoids. Terpene lactones are quantified by HLPC with ELS detector. In the HPTLC identification test, zones due to quercetin, chlorogenic acid, bilobalide and all four ginkgolides are described. Similar to EP, the USP monograph on powdered Ginkgo extract additionally defines a content for bilobalide and ginkgolides A, B and C and a certain ratio of the flavonols peaks is demanded in HPLC analysis.


Reference Substances
For a reliable analysis and quality control of ginkgo products well characterized reference substances are essential. PhytoLab offers all reference substances described in EP and USP monographs. All of them are characterized as primary reference substances and supplied together with a comprehensive certificate of analysis. Many other natural products that have been described to occur in ginkgo are available as well. For a full listing and up-to-date information on prices and specifications please contact us or visit our webshop at phyproof.phytolab.com.

Selected additional available phyproof® Reference Substances related to Ginkgo Biloba
Potential allergens (Urushiols)
         Urushiol (15:1), (product # 80180)   Urushiol (15:2), (product # 80181)     Urushiol (15:3), (product # 80182)

Bilobetin, (product # 83840)                 Ginkgetin, (product # 83501)                 Isoginkgetin, (product # 83513)


관련 상품

코아사이언스 coresciences PhytoLab GmbH & Co. KG 독일 한국 대리점 korea biochemical high quality phytochemicals reference standards analytical standard natural active ingredients products 표준품 기능성분 표준물질 지표성분 주성분 유효성분 순품 한방 한약 생약 천연물 신약 식물 유래 천연화합물 천연물