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자세한 상품 정보 및 관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 문의주시기 바랍니다.



fullerene is a molecule made of carbon that can take on a geometric shape resembling a sphere, an ellipsoid, a tube (called a nanotube) or a ring. Fullerenes resemble graphite and are composed of sheets with linked hexagonal rings, but containing pentagonal and sometimes heptagonal rings, which prevents the sheet from being flat. Fullerenes are the third known stable molecular form of carbon after graphite and diamond.

Researchers have discovered several applications for fullerenes, including medical applications, superconductors and fibre optics.

- Antioxidants
- Antiviral agents
- Drug delivery and gene delivery
- Photosensitizers in photodynamic therapy
- In protective eyewear


Featured products:
- Fullerenes: C60 , fullerenol, PCBM , bis-PCBM, tris-PCBM, C60 malonic ester, ...
Polymers: PTAA, fluoro-PTAA, F8BT, TFB, ...
- Water solubles: WSC60MA , WSC60PI, WSC60PS, ...
- Single molecules: ITIC, F-DTS, ITIC-F, ...

코아사이언스 coresciences solaris chem inc. canada Korea distributor 한국 대리점