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Microarray용 glass slide 전문 브랜드 Schott Nexterion 한국 대리점 코아사이언스 입니다.

다양한 functional group으로 코팅된 고품질의 coating slide glass를 공급하고 있습니다.

관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 주세요~


NEXTERION® Streptavidin Coating (HS)

The NEXTERION® Streptavidin coating is specifically developed for binding all types of biotinylated molecules. Biotin-tagged molecules are immobilized in a directional way to the streptavidin molecules and applied onto the glass substrate.  
The proprietary thin-film deposition coating process produces a very high density, as well as an extremely uniform coating of streptavidin molecules. The resulting surface has a very high binding capacity combined with a low signal variance across a single slide as well as different slides and batches.  
Produced in ISO class 5 clean room conditions using a standardized process and running a stringent quality control system, streptavidin coated substrates are available in standard and custom formats.
Product Information 
  • Coating Chemistry
  • Shelf Life
    Six months for sealed packages when stored at –20°C.
    To protect the activity of the streptavidin layer, a protective coating is added on top of the reactive coating prior to packaging. This layer must be removed prior to use by a washing step. The streptavidin layer on Slide HS is very sensitive to elevated temperatures. It is therefore necessary to ship the product in a frozen state with dry ice. The product must immediately be put into a freezer upon arrival. Repeated freeze and thaw cycles should be avoided.
  • Immobilization Method
    Binding via biotin.
  • Probe Types
    • All molecules that can be biotinylated
  • Material:
    • High-quality borosilicate glass
    • Alternative substrate materials can be offered

  • Formats:
    • Standard formats (slide, SBS plate)
    • Customized dimensions and thicknesses
    • Pre-scoring options

  • Features:
    • Barcodes (1D, 2D, QR, data matrix)
    • Logos
    • Position markings and fiducials
    • Hydrophobic coating for multiplexing

  • Quality:
    • Excellent intra- and inter-lot reproducibility
    • Physical and functional quality control
    • ISO class 5 clean room production
    • Relevant ISO 13485 processes in place for diagnostic company needs


Coating Selection Table 

SCHOTT MINIFAB offers a wide range of functional coating chemistries for DNA and protein microarrays as well as other applications.  


The following table indicates the most appropriate coating for specific applications.


Probe type
Nexterion Coating
Oligonucleotides AminosilaneEpoxysilane3-D Hydrogel3-D Polymer
cDNA/PCR AminosilaneEpoxysilaneAldehydesilane
Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC) AminosilaneEpoxysilaneAldehydesilane
Peptides EpoxysilaneAldehydesilane
Proteins 3-D Hydrogel3-D Polymer
Antibodies EpoxysilaneAldehydesilane3-D Hydrogel3-D Polymer
Glycans 3-D Hydrogel3-D Polymer
Cells/tissues Depending on type of cell/tissue,
please contact us for support
and free-of-charge evaluation samples
Biotin modified molecules Streptavidin

코아사이언스 coresciences schott Nexterion microarray coated glass slide coating slide