티스토리 뷰


DAPI aqueous solution (1 mg/mL)

Cat.# F-0410-M001.0-001 / Size: 1mL


Blue nuclear counterstain for fixed-cell fluorescence microscopy and cellular imaging. (Ex: 341 nm and 360 nm, Em: 452 nm and 458 nm).


Molecular Weight:
Empirical Formula:
Absorption [nm]:
343 ± 3
Emission [nm]:
444 ± 3
ε [M-1 cm-1]:
>30 000
Buffer System for Fluorescence Readings:
Appearance (colour):
Appearance (form):
+2-8 °C. Keep away from light!
Trade name:
4',6-Diamidino-2-phenyl-indol dihydrochloride; DAPI, Dihydrochloride


DAPI aqueous solution from emp Biotech is a high-purity reagent for fixed-cell, fluorescent staining of DNA content and cell nuclei, formulated specifically for cellular imaging techniques.

A classic nuclear counterstain used in immunofluorescence microscopy, DAPI (diamidino-2-phenylindole) is an important component of high-content screening methods which require cell-based quantization of DNA content.

DAPI exhibits blue fluorescence that strongly increases after it selectively binds to the minor groove of double stranded DNA. The fluorescence of bound DAPI is approximately 20-fold greater than in its unbound state. This selectivity, combined with DAPI#s high cell permeability, allows effective staining of nuclei and low fluorescence background from the cytoplasm.

DAPI is compatible with antibodies and other probes which have been labeled with fluorescein and rhodamine, and can be used in tandem as a counterstain with such probes. The used of DAPI is limited to fixed cells. For live cell imaging, we recommend Hoechst 33342.

CAS: 28718-90-3

Excitation: 341 nm (360 nm with dsDNA)

Emission: 452 nm (458 nm with dsDNA)

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