티스토리 뷰


Cat.# 597301 / Size: 5g, 25g, 100g

Description: Glutathione, also known as L-Glutathione Reduced, is a tripeptide with many roles in cells. It conjugates to drugs to make them more soluble for excretion, is a cofactor for some enzymes, is involved in protein disulfide bond rearrangement and reduces peroxides.

CAS#: 70-18-8 (free acid)

Chemical Formula: C10H17N3O6S

Exact Mass: 307.08

Molecular Weight: 307.320

Elemental Analysis: C, 39.08; H, 5.58; N, 13.67; O, 31.24; S, 10.43

Related CAS #: 20167-21-9 (sodium) 34212-83-4 (disodium) 70-18-8 (free acid)

Synonym: Glutathione; L-Glutathione reduced; Glutatiol; GSH; NSC 400639; NSC-400639; NSC400639; L-Glutathione; N-(N-L-gamma-Glutamyl-L-cysteinyl)-glycine;

IUPAC/Chemical Name: N5-((R)-1-((carboxymethyl)amino)-3-mercapto-1-oxopropan-2-yl)-L-glutamine


InChi Code: InChI=1S/C10H17N3O6S/c11-5(10(18)19)1-2-7(14)13-6(4-20)9(17)12-3-8(15)16/h5-6,20H,1-4,11H2,(H,12,17)(H,13,14)(H,15,16)(H,18,19)/t5-,6-/m0/s1

SMILES Code: O=C(O)CNC([C@H](CS)NC(CC[C@@H](C(O)=O)N)=O)=O

Appearance: Solid powder

Purity: >98% (or refer to the Certificate of Analysis)

Shipping Condition: Shipped under ambient temperature as non-hazardous chemical. This product is stable enough for a few weeks during ordinary shipping and time spent in Customs.

Storage Condition: Dry, dark and at 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks) or -20 C for long term (months to years).

Solubility: Soluble in water (50mg/mL)

Shelf Life: >3 years if stored properly

Drug Formulation: This drug may be formulated in water

Stock Solution Storage: 0 - 4 C for short term (days to weeks), or -20 C for long term (months).

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코아사이언스 coresciences MedKoo Biosciences, Inc. Korea 한국 대리점 Korea distributor