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mGluR1: glutamate receptors involved in motor learning and long-term depression


mGluR1 (also termed Grm1) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) that exists in four isoforms (mGluR1α, β, γ, δ), which can occur as homodimers or heterodimers. In neuronal cell types the alpha1 isoform is mainly expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells, and also in neurons of the striatum and the in the olfactory bulb (glomerula layer and mitral cell layer). The receptor can also be found in non-neuronal cell types as microglia and astrocytes. Mice lacking a functional mGluR1 receptor, exhibit impaired cerebellar long-term depression and hippocampal long-term potentiation. Our new rabbit polyclonal antibody is specific for the alpha-subunit of mGluR1 and shows superior results in WB, ICC, IHC and FFPE (IHC-P) applications. 

Indirect immunostaining of a formaldehyde fixed mouse brain section with rabbit anti-mGluR1-α antibody (cat. no. 191 003, dilution 1:500, red) and mouse anti-NeuN antibody (cat. no. 266 011, dilution 1:500, green).
Antigen retrieval (10mM citrate, pH 6.0, overnight at 60°C) has been applied before staining.


CLEC4F: an excellent marker for Kupffer cells in the liver


CLEC4F is a C-type lectin participating in the antigen presentation of glycolipid antigens, as well as in the recognition and scavenging of desialylated platelets. The murine CLEC4F is a hallmark of mouse Kupffer cells (KCs) and its expression distinguishes KCs and recruited macrophages. It colocalizes with the more ubiquitous protein F4/80 in KCs, and the expression of both proteins increases after infection. We now offer you 2 different rabbit polyclonal antibodies against CLEC4F, one directed against the N-terminus and one against the C-terminus. Both antibodies can show excellent results in WB, IHC and FFPE (IHC-P) applications.  

Indirect immunostaining of formalin fixed paraffin embedded mouse liver sections with rabbit anti-CLEC4F N-terminal antibody (cat. no. HS-501 103, dilution 1:500, green) and rat anti-CD31 antibody (cat. no. HS-351 117, dilution 1:500, red). Nuclei have been visualized by DAPI staining (blue).


Aquaporin 4: a good marker for the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) 


Aquaporin 4, also known as AQP-4 or Mercurial-insensitive water channel (MIWC), belongs to the aquaporin family of integral membrane proteins that conduct water to the cell membrane. AQP4 is the most abundant bidirectional water channel in the CNS and shows the highest density on perivascular astrocyte endfeet that surround blood vessels at the BBB. This new chicken recombinant monoclonal antibody against AQP4 is ideally suited for WB, IP, ICC, IHC, FFPE (IHC-P) and fresh-frozen IHC (IHC-Fr).

Indirect immunostaining of formaldehyde fixed rat astrocytes with chicken anti-Aquaporin4 antibody (cat. no. 429 009, dilution: 1:1000, red), mouse anti-GFAP antibody (cat. no. 173 011, dilution 1:500, green) and rabbit anti-BIG2 antibody (cat. no. 441 003, dilution 1:500, magenta). Nuclei have been visualized by DAPI staining (cyan).

New products we want to bring to your attention:

coresciences 코아사이언스 sysnaptic systems SYSY germany  antibody 항체 한국 신경생물학 neuroscience 면역 염색 IHC WB ICC 펩타이드 항원 펩티드 neurology