티스토리 뷰

DBCO Agarose

Cat.# 1034-2 / Size: 2ml

Cat.# 1034-25 / Size: 25ml


DBCO agarose is a 6% crosslinked agarose resin that is activated with DBCO functional groups for covalent capturing azide-tagged biomolecules utilizing Cu-free click reaction. This product is adequate to work in batch or column purification (low pressure).


Enrichment target: Azide-modified proteins

Format: Batch or column purifications

Activation level: 10-20 µmol DBCO groups per mL resin

Bead size: Spherical, 50-150 µm

Support: 6% Cross-linked agarose

Formulation: 50% slurry

Preservative: 20% ethanol

Appearance: Off-white slurry

Storage: 2-8C

Shipping conditions: Ambient temperature

Selected References

  1. Smeekens, J. M., et al. (2020). Systematic quantification of the dynamics of newly synthesized proteins unveiling their degradation pathways in human cells. Chem Sci., 11 (13), 3557-3568. [PubMed]
  2. Perdue, J., et al. (2020). Optical Control of Cytokine Signaling via Bioinspired, Polymer-Induced Latency. Biomacromolecules., 21(7), 2635-44. [PubMed]

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코아사이언스 coresciences​ Click Chemistry Tools Bioconjugate technology company 형광염색 시약