티스토리 뷰



Cat.# 1236 / Size: 100mg, 500mg, 1g


BTTAA is a newest generation, water-soluble accelerating ligand for CuAAC that provides much greater rate enhancement compared to previous generation ligands (e.g. THPTA or TBTA). More importantly, it minimizes perturbations to the physiological state of the cells or organisms probed and allows for effective bioconjugation with suppressed cell cytotoxicity by further lowering copper loading in the catalyst formulation.


Molecular weight: 430.52

Chemical composition: C19H30N10O2

CAS: 1334179-85-9

Solubility: Water, DMSO, DMF, MeOH

Purity: >95% (HPLC)

Appearance: Off-white to grey solid

Storage conditions: 4°C.

Shipping conditions: Ambient temperature

Selected References

  1. Graham, A. J., et al. (2022). Extracellular Electron Transfer Enables Cellular Control of Cu(I)-Catalyzed Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition. ACS Cent Sci., 8 (2), 246-257. [PubMed]
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  3. Wood, T. M., et al. (2021). Optimization of Metabolic Oligosaccharide Engineering with Ac4GalNAlk and Ac4GlcNAlk by an Engineered Pyrophosphorylase. ACS Chem. Biol., [PubMed]
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  6. Jun Kit Ow, M., et al. (2020). Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Reveals Nanoscale Catalytic Heterogeneity on Single Copper Nanowires. ACS Appl. Nano Mater.,, 3, 4, 3163–7. [ACSPublications]
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  8. Uttamapinant, C., et al. (2012). Fast, Cell-Compatible Click Chemistry with Copper-Chelating Azides for Biomolecular Labeling. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed,., 51, 5852-56. [PubMed]
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코아사이언스 coresciences​ Click Chemistry Tools Bioconjugate technology company 형광염색 시약