티스토리 뷰


With the innovative faCellitate polymer solutions, customized cell culture has never been easier.
Our unique polymer coatings create a fully synthetic, biologically relevant cell culture matrix for
3D cell culture, drug discovery, toxicology and stem cell research.


features of
faCellitate polymers

< anchor > The polymeric coating easily modifies your surface without any chemical reactions.
< shield > The inert layer prevents non-specific interactions of proteins and cells with the surface to enable 3D cell culture.
< biotags > Choose any biomolecule to engineer your surface and make it cell-adhesive.

BIOFLOAT™ surfaces support reproducible
spheroid and organoid culture


Shorten your experimental timelines. Single spheroids form faster on BIOFLOAT™ surfaces than on most other low attachment or cell-repellent surfaces.


The 3D cell culture and maintenance on the BIOFLOAT™ surfaces result in highly uniform spheroids and perfect data consistency. Cell satellites and irregular aggregations are eliminated.


The reliable quality of the BIOFLOAT™ surface makes it a premium product for spheroid and organoid culture, including cells which fail to generate spheroids on existing products.


코아사이언스 coresciences facellitate germany 독일 Korea 한국 대리점 세포배양 polymer solutions polymer coatings 3D cell culture drug discovery toxicology stem cell research 줄기세포 연구 Biofloat cell culture matrix anchor shield biotag rapid spheroid formation organoid culture spheroid culture mimic extracellular environments for stem cells screen compounds in 3D cell culture systems