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Material Science 전문제조사 Ossila Ltd 수입/공급 업체 코아사이언스 입니다.


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Cat.# M121 / Type & Size: AI 4083, 100ml

Cat.# M122 / Type & Size: PH 1000, 100ml

Cat.# M124 / Type & Size: HTL Solar, 100ml

Cat.# M125 / Type & Size: HTL Solar 3, 50ml (*유해화학물질 함유로 미취급)


*제조사 Lot.# 재고 상황에 따라 Cat.#는 수시로 변동 될 수 있습니다.


PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate) is a transparent conductive polymer consisting of a mixture of two ionomers. Due to its unique combination of conductivity, transparency, ductility, and ease of processing, PEDOT:PSS has become a benchmark material in thin-film electronic fabrication. PEDOT:PSS can be used as an interfacial layer for hole transport in organic light emitting diodes, organic photovoltaics, and perovskite photovoltaics. It can also be used as a replacement for transparent conductors such as ITO or FTO and is used commonly in applications where the underlying substrate is flexible.

Ossila supplies a range of PEDOT:PSS and PEDOT dispersions that are suitable for different applications these include:

PEDOT dispersionPrimary use

Al 4083 Interfacial layers in photovoltaic (OPV) and light emitting diodes (OLED)
PH 1000 High conductivity films and interfacial layers
HTL Solar Surfaces that are difficult to wet with an aqueous dispersion
HTL Solar 3 A toluene dispersion for when a water-based dispersion is an issue (e.g. glovebox)

PEDOT:PSS (Al 4083)

Heraeus Clevios™ AI 4083 is one of the most commonly used PEDOT:PSS formulations, due to its deep work function it is often used for matching of interfacial energy levels in thin film electronic devices. 

Al 4083 specifications

Resistivity 500-5000 Ω.cm
Solid content 1.3 to 1.7 wt.% (in water)
Viscosity 5-12 mPa.s
PEDOT:PSS ratio 1:6
Particle Size Distribution D90 = 100nm; D50 = 80nm
Work function 5.0 - 5.2 eV
CAS number 155090-83-8
Packaging 100 ml of solution sealed in a light resistant bottle with temperature indicator



Heraeus Clevios™ PH1000 PEDOT:PSS is designed for applications where high conductivity and optical transparency are required. The potential uses for high conductivity PEDOT:PSS formulations include replacements for ITO, semitransparent top electrodes in thin film electronics, top gate electrodes in FETs, and for use as a thick planarisation layer on rough surfaces such as FTO. Sheet resistances as low as 300 Ω/square can be achieved with the addition of conductivity enhancement agents such as dimethylsulfoxide and ethylene glycol.

PH 1000 specifications

Resistivity <0.0012 Ω.cm*
Solid content 1.0 - 1.3 wt.% (in water)
Viscosity < 50 mPa.s
PEDOT:PSS ratio 1:2.5
Particle Size Distribution D50 = 30nm
Work Function 4.8 - 5.0 eV
CAS number
Packaging 100 ml of solution sealed in a light resistant bottle with temperature indicator

*With use of 5% DMSO by volume as a morphology enhancer



Heraeus Clevios™ HTL Solar is a PEDOT:PSS formulation designed for use in thin film electronics as an interfacial material. The advantage of the HTL Solar formulation is its improved wetting properties, particularly in inverted OPV cells, compared to the other PEDOT:PSS formulations in our catalogue.

HTL Solar specifications

Resistivity 1 - 10 Ω.cm
Solid content 1.0 - 1.2 wt.% (in water)
Viscosity 8 to 30 mPa.s
PEDOT:PSS ratio 1:2.5
Work Function 4.8 - 5.0 eV
CAS number
Packaging 100 ml of solution sealed in a light resistant bottle with temperature indicator

PEDOT:complex (HTL Solar 3) *유해화학물질 함유로 당사 취급 불가

Heraeus Clevios™ HTL Solar 3 is a PEDOT formulation using a alternative counter ionomer to PSS to allow for the dispersion in toluene. HTL Solar 3 is ideal for use with materials or in environments that are water sensitive, such as in glove box environments or for use with perovskite materials.


HTL Solar 3 specifications

Resistivity 5-500 Ω.cm
Solid content 1.5 to 2.5 wt.% (in toluene <0.5% water)
Viscosity <10 mPa.s
Work function 4.4eV - 4.8eV
CAS number 155090-83-8
Packaging 2 x 25 ml of solution sealed in a light resistant bottles with temperature indicator


관련 상품

[PDMS Film/Polydimethylsiloxane Flm/폴리다이메틸실록산 필름] PDMS sheet (Ultra-thin) [CSCPD1001, CSCPD1502, CSCPD5015, CSCPD10015, CSCPD10001, CSCPD20015, CSCPD1501, CSCPD15015, CSCPD501]

코아사이언스 coresciences Ossila Ltd UK 영국 한국 Korea distributor Top OFET Products Top OLED Products Top OPV Products Nanotubes Graphene Perovskite Product 페로브스카이트 Organic Electronics Semiconducting Polymers 반도체 중합체 반도체 고분자 Luminosyn OLED, OPV, Perovskite, OFET Sensing Graphene 그래핀