티스토리 뷰

RM-C (cut type)

Reference Materials(RMs) for cytotoxicity test, Negative RMs

High density polyethylene film

Cat.# CC / Size: 15g/pk



A piece: thickness ca.0.5 mm, ca. 2 x 15 mm, ca. 15 g/pack., not sterilized


관련 상품 

[Reference Materials(RMs) for the Biological Tests of Medical Devices] RM-A, RM-B, RM-C, RM-D, RM-E, RM-H, RM-F

coresciences 코아사이언스 Hatano Research Institute Food and Drug Safety Center FDSC 하타노 리서치 한국 대리점 Food and Drug Safety Center Hatano Research Institute