티스토리 뷰


Mixtures of cellulose  nitrate and cellulose acetate make biologically inert MCE Membranes the preferred choice for microbiological analysis. 4 key features include:

  • 0.2, 0.45, and 1.0 micron pore sizes
  • Available individually pre-sterilized
  • Tested for free inhibition of bacterial growth

Contrasting grid lines and background for ease of bacteria and yeast enumeration


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Superior flow rates, high purity, and rapid wetting time make MCE filters optimal for microbiological analysis in water, wastewater, pharmaceutical, and beverage applications.



코아사이언스 coresciences sterlitech 미국 한국 대리점 마이크로필터 microfiltration filter holds filters membrane Kato-Katz Method Kato technique 대변 내 기생충 알 검사법