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ICE-4 International Calibration Extract 4

Cat.# 43605_3 / Size: 40g



The ICE-4 is a hop extract containing a specified concentration of α- and ß-acids. 

It replaces the ICE-3 as the international calibration extract hop standard of the European Brewery Convention (EBC) and the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC). ICE-4 has been determined accordingly to be: Cohumulone (10.98%), N+adhumulone (31.60%), Colupulone (13.02%), N+adlupulone (13.52%), Total α-acids(42.58%), and Total ß-acids (26.54%).

ICE-4 may be used as a reference or control for the following ASBC Methods of Analysis: Hops-14 and Hops-16.


코아사이언스 coresciences American Society of Brewing Chemists ASBC American Society of Brewing Chemists 미국양조협회 European Brewery Convention 유럽 양조 협회 맥주 홉 호프 hop 추출물 표준물 표준물질 지표성분 지표 추출물 국제 교정 추출물 국제 보정 추출물