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Raw mass spectrometric data can be easily transformed into relevant sets of biological information with the help of mass spectrometry metabolite libraries. Well-designed collections of small biochemical molecules can be used to create a comprehensive MS-based spectral database that once carefully developed and annotated provides spectra and retention times for major metabolic compounds. Such a database let you identify metabolites, optimize protocols and provides a key tool for biomarker discovery. While the major limitation is the number of commercially available authentic standards, The past years witnessed a rise in the compounds in mass spectral libraries, offering more resources to convert raw MS data into biological knowledge.

Many mass spectral libraries are available to help identify compounds within a dataset. However, unless data is matched to 2 or more orthogonal properties of an authentic chemical standard acquired in the same laboratory, compounds cannot be truly identified, so it is best to build your own spectral library.

Simplify Building Your Mass Spectral Libraries with IROAtech

IROAtech now offers 9 different collections of authentic standards for mass spectral library building: Our flagship MSMLS (Mass Spec Metabolite library of Standards) containing 600 primary and secondary biochemicals, LSMLS (just like our MSMLS but containing 1 mg each compound), FAMLS (Fatty Acid Library of Standards), BACSMLS (Bile acid, carnitine and sterol library), AAPMLS (Amino acid and peptide library), OAMLS (Organic acids), PHYTOMLS (plant metabolites), GUTMLS (microbiome metabolites) and PPMLS (polyphenolic compounds).


Easy storage, no glass bottles Plated to allow row multiplexing for efficient processing


Supplied as 5 µg dried weight; plenty of material for multiple injections


Data processing, data collection and data reduction tool creates libraries in hours


Provided with all MLS Kits: Excel Plate Map, User Manual, MLSDiscovery software tool

Metabolite Library Standards (MLS) Available from IROA

Mass Spectrometry Metabolite Library of Standards
Our “Flagship” library featuring 600 unique compounds arrayed in seven (7) 96-well plates that span a broad range of primary metabolism; 5 µg per well.
Large Scale Metabolite Library of Standards
600 unique compounds arrayed in seven (7) 96-well plates that span a broad range of primary metabolism; 1 mg per well.
Bile Acid Carnitine Sterol Metabolite Library of Standards
96 bile acid, carnitine and sterol metabolites covering key metabolic pathways; 5 µg per well.
Fatty Acid Metabolite Library of Standards
96 unique small molecule fatty acid metabolites covering key metabolic pathways; 5 µg per well.
Organic Acid Metabolite Library of Standards
96 unique small molecule organic acid metabolites covering key metabolic pathways; 5 µg per well.
Amino Acid/Peptide Metabolite Library of Standards
96 unique metabolites including acetylated, methylated and hydroxy amino acids and dipeptides which are building blocks of proteins in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms; 5 µg per well.
Microbiome Metabolite Library of Standards
185 unique small biochemicals that the gut microbiome produces and interacts with including bacterial, dietary and host xenobiotic metabolites; 5 µg per well.
Phytochemical Metabolite Library of Standards
364 unique primary and secondary plant metabolites obtained from consuming diets containing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and plant-based beverages; 5 µg per well.
Polyphenol Metabolite Library of Standards
80 unique high-quality small biochemicals that have a polyphenol structure (i.e., several hydroxyl groups on aromatic rings). Polyphenols are found in many plant foods including fruits, vegetables, cereals, dry legumes, chocolate, oils, spices and some beverages, including red wine.

IROA MLS Referenced Peer-Reviewed Publications

Diamantidou D, Sampsonidis I, Liapikos T, Gika H, Theodoridis G. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolite library for metabolomics: Evaluating column suitability using a scoring approach, J. Chromatogr. A. 2023 Feb 8;1690:463779. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2023.463779. Epub 2023 Jan 11. PMID: 36681007

Fraisier-Vannier O, Chervin J, Cabanac G, et al. MS-CleanR: A Feature-Filtering Workflow for Untargeted LC-MS Based Metabolomics. Anal Chem. 2020;92(14):9971-9981. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.0c01594. PMID: 32589017

Misra BB, Olivier M. High Resolution GC-Orbitrap-MS Metabolomics Using Both Electron Ionization and Chemical Ionization for Analysis of Human Plasma [published online ahead of print, 2020 Feb 10]. J Proteome Res. 2020;10. doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00774. PMID: 31978300

Vargas F, Weldon KC, Sikora N, et al. Protocol for Community-created Public MS/MS Reference Spectra Within the Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking Infrastructure [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jan 13]. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2020; e8725. doi:10.1002/rcm.8725. PMID: 31930757

Nye LC, Williams JP, Munjoma NC, et al. A comparison of collision cross section values obtained via travelling wave ion mobility-mass spectrometry and ultra high performance liquid chromatography-ion mobility-mass spectrometry: Application to the characterisation of metabolites in rat urine. J Chromatogr A. 2019 Sept ;1602:386–396. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2019.06.056. PMID: 31285057

Dueñas ME, Larson EA and LEee YJ. Toward Mass Spectrometry Imaging in the Metabolomics Scale: Increasing Metabolic Coverage Through Multiple On-Tissue Chemical Modifications. Front. Plant Sci. 2019 July 10;860. Doi 10.3389/fpls.2019.00860. PMID: 31354754

Pezzatti J, González-Ruiz V, Codesido S, Gagnebin Y, Joshi A, Guillarme D, Schappler J, Picard D, Boccard J, Rudaz S. A scoring approach for multi-platform acquisition in metabolomics. J Chromatogr A. 2019 May 10;1592:47-54. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2019.01.023. Epub 2019 Jan 10. PMID: 30685186

González-Ruiz V, Schvartz D, Sandström J, Pezzatti J, Jeanneret F, Tonoli D, Boccard J, Monnet-Tschudi F, Sanchez JC, Rudaz S. An Integrative Multi-Omics Workflow to Address Multifactorial Toxicology Experiments. Metabolites. 2019 Apr 24;9(4). pii: E79. doi: 10.3390/metabo9040079. PMID: 31022902

Nichols CM, Dodds JN, Rose BS, et al. Untargeted Molecular Discovery in Primary Metabolism: Collision Cross Section as a Molecular Descriptor in Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 2018 Dec;90(24):14484-14492. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04322. PMID: 30449086

Pimentel G, Burton KJ, von Ah U, Bütikofer U, Pralong FP, Vionnet N, Portmann R, Vergères G. Metabolic Footprinting of Fermented Milk Consumption in Serum of Healthy Men. J Nutr. 2018 Jun 1;148(6):851- 860. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy053. PMID: 29788433

Thomason K, Babar MA, Erickson JE, Mulvaney M, Beecher C, MacDonald G. Comparative physiological and metabolomics analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) following post-anthesis heat stress. PLoS ONE 2018 June13(6): e0197919. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0197919.

Nemkov T, Hansen KC, D'Alessandro A. A three-minute method for highthroughput quantitative metabolomics and quantitative tracing experiments of central carbon and nitrogen pathways. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2017 Apr 30;31(8):663-673. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7834. PMID: 28195377

Depke T, Franke R, Brönstrup M. Clustering of MS2 spectra using unsupervised methods to aid the identification of secondary metabolites from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2017 Dec 15;1071:19-28. doi: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.06.002. Epub 2017 Jun 4. PMID: 28642031

González-Ruiz V, Pezzatti J, Roux A, Stoppini L, Boccard J, Rudaz S. Unravelling the effects of multiple experimental factors in metabolomics, analysis of human neural cells with hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography hyphenated to high resolution mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2017 Dec 8;1527:53- 60. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.10.055. Epub 2017 Oct 25. PMID: 29106965

Lu, X., Solmonson, A., Lodi, A. et al. The early metabolomic response of adipose tissue during acute cold exposure in mice. Sci Rep 2017 June 7; 3455. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-03108-x. PMID: 27399036

Korte AR, Stopka SA, Morris N, Razunguzwa T, Vertes A. Large-Scale Metabolite Analysis of Standards and Human Serum by Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry from Silicon Nanopost Arrays. Anal Chem. 2016 Sep 20;88(18):8989-96. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.6b01186. Epub 2016 Jul 22. PMID: 27399036

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코아사이언스 coresciences IROA Technologies LCC Korea 한국 메타볼로믹스 대사체학 연구 시약 내부 표준물질 metabolomics research Internal Standards for Metabolomics Libraries for Mass Spectometry 대사 프로파일링 도구 metabolite normalization 대사체 정규화 ion suppression eagents Cell Proliferation Kits 올리고핵산 올리고뉴클레오티드 표지