티스토리 뷰

Get clear pictures of Live Cell Imaging!

Myell™ series

A novel alternative tool for cover glass


Myell™ 시리즈는 현미경으로 살아있는 부유 세포(혹은 조직)를 관찰하는데 이용되는 커버 글라스를 대체할 수 있는 

아주 얇은 폴리머 필름입니다 ! 


본 상품을 이용하면 현미경으로 부유 세포 관찰시 흔한 방해요소인 시료의 흔들림을 방지할 수 있습니다.  

결과적으로 본 상품을 이용하면 보다 명료하고 정확한 살아있는 부유 세포 혹은 조직 이미지를 관찰, 촬영할 수 있습니다. 



Myell series is a polymer "superthin" film "which is a novel alternative tool for cover glass" and offers a new method to make sample for microscope observation.

By using with Myell series, the samples are prevented from vibrating. This makes us to get clear pictures in Live Cell Imaging.


Product type 

 Product Myell™ A 
(Limited to first purchase)
 Myell™ S  Myell™ D  Myell™ P
 Type Standard ultra thin film High-Performance ultra
thin film
Porous ultra thin film
3 sheets 10 sheets 10 sheets 4 sheets
 Application Can hold floating cells or tissue Can hold floating cells or

Can prevent desiccation.
Can hold floating cells or

Can add stimulation factor.
 Porous  -  -  -  6µm
 Material  Polylactic acid  CYTOP®  Polylactic acid 
 Thickness  60 nm  120 nm  60 nm
 Diameter φ 27 mm φ 27 mm φ 27 mm

* Myell™ series are NOT sterilized.

* Note: For Myell™ A, one laboratory can order one time only.


Myell™ A/S: Prevent samples from vibrating 

When observing cells such as floating cells or yeast, dropping cell suspension on a glass bottom dish is general method.
However, this method has a problem that the picture becomes blurry because the cells vibrate due to their brownian motion.

By wrapping with Myell™ A/S, the samples on a slide grass are prevented from vibrating. This makes us to get clear pictures.

Also, pictures hardly blurry even if some droplets are added on samples wrapped with Myell A/S.

-Experimental example

Liposome suspension was wrapped or without wrapped by Myell™ A/S and applied to glass bottom dish.
Some drops were added on the both dishes and compared the pictures.


Without-wrapped: The liposome was flown out of the field in microscope. 


Myell™ A/S-wrapped: The liposome remained in the field of microscope and did not have much vibrate.

Myell D: Prevent samples from desiccation

Myell D prevents samples from not only vibrating but also the desiccation and shrink.
These features of Myell
 D is due to the material, CYTOP® which has both water-repellent and oil-repellent.

Then, Myell D is useful for long time imaging in a tiling mode and three dimensional mode.
Also, Myell
 D does not influence on image in fluorescence microscope.


-Experimental example
The fixed brain section from GFP-expressed mouse was wrapped by Myell D or not.

Then after, the imaging was performed by a tiling mode as below.


The sample without-wrapped was desiccated and shrunk, consequently, the picture was blurry toward Z axis.

On the other hand, Myell D-wrapped sample was prevented from desiccating, which enables to get clear picture.


Myell P: Enable to add stimulation factor

Conventionally, it is difficult to observe the effect of stimulation factor during live imaging because the samples are flown out once the stimulation factor is added.

Myell P has an advantage that adding stimulation factor on sample is possible while holding sample in microscopic field.

This is because Myell P has many small porous to penetrate.


-Myell P has many small porous
The cells cannot penetrate this porous, however, the stimulation factor can penetrate.
Therefore, the cells remain inside and the effect of stimulation factor can be observed.

The blue ink was used as an example below.

How to use 

1. Place coverslip(diameter: =< 25 mm) horizontally on a stable stage

2. Place specimen on the coverslip

3. Pass the specimen though Myell (press Myell-film on the specimen and break through the film), then the specimen is wrapped. 

In case of using upright microscope

Please put sample which wrapped with Myell™ on slide glass, petri dish or directly on stage of microscope.

Upright microscope is suitable for Myell™ A/S and Myell™ D.


 *In case of using inverted microscope

Please put sample which wrapped with Myell™ on petri dish.

This method is possible to soak water or embedded in agarose gel to prevent desiccation.

Inverted microscope is suitable for all Myell™ series.


*참고: Coverslip과 stage는 본 상품에 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 해당 판매처를 확인하여 별도 구매하시기 바랍니다.

1) Coverslip 기성품 예시: Cover glasses circular, 25 mm phi (supplier: MARIENFELD LABORATORY GLASSWARE)

2) Stage 기성품 예시: Septum Rubber(White), Natural, for 18 mm Tube (supplier: FUJIFILM Wako)


Ordering Information 

 Product  Cat.# Size Porous   Material  Thickness  Diameter  Storage
 Myell A
(Limited to first purchase)
 MYLL-A3  3 sheets  -  Polylactic acid  60 nm φ 27 mm  RT
 Myell S  MYLL-S10  10 sheets  -
 Myell D  MYLC-D10  10 sheets  -  CYTOP®  120 nm
 Myell P  MYLL-P4  4 sheets  6µm  Polylactic acid    60 nm

* Note: For Myell™ A, one laboratory can order one time only.



coresciences 코아사이언스 Funakoshi  후나코시 한국 대리점 동물세포 현미경 관찰 사진촬영 부유세포 살아있는 세포 관찰 떠있는 세포 흔들림 떨림 진동 없이 촬영 관찰 커버 슬립 커버글라스 대체 Tune Co. Ltd. tune-tech Myell