티스토리 뷰

HFDM-1 medium

Serum-free medium, optimized for human fibroblast

Cat.#        Product                      EGF       Size    

2102P05   HFDM-1(+) Medium     +           500ml

2102P10   HFDM-1(+) Medium     +          1000ml


< 참고 > 2102P05 및 2102P10 유효기간: 제조일로부터 ~6개월 (통상 유효기간 2~6개월로 판매됨) 


HFDM-1 is serum-free medium for Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts (NHDF) proliferation.



  • Defined, serum-free medium for human NHDF proliferation
  • Can use without cell adhesion factor
(Left): The proliferation number of NHDF using HFDM-1
Serum-free HFDM-1 shows similar growth to serum-containing medium.
(Right): The positive effect of human serum in HFDM-1
Addition of 0.5-2.0% human serum promotes NHDF proliferation.

코아사이언스 coresciences Funakoshi Inc. Japan 후나코시 한국 대리점