티스토리 뷰


NGS Ancient DNA Library Prep Kit

Protocol download / MSDS download

Index type
unique dual index
unique dual index
2 x 96


The NGS Ancient DNA Library Prep Kit (illumina platform) was developed for construction of high quality libraries using ancient DNA (50 ng – 500 ng) as input. The kit is based on single stranded DNA library preparation, which is more effective for ancient DNA samples. Highly degraded ancient DNA is difficult for the library preparation and usually result in low library conversion rate using regular library prep approach. It has been demonstrated by scientists that ancient DNA library prep using ssDNA library prep approach has significant better outcome than that of dsDNA library prep approach.


NGS ancient DNA Library Prep Kit workflow

Three index types are available for the kit:

Non-index (Cat.# 30084): Libraries do not have index.

Index (Cat.# 30085): Each of our index primers contains a unique barcode sequence with 6 bases. Multiplexing of the ancient DNA library is possible with 48 samples.

Unique dual index (Cat.# 30086): The capacity for multiplexing of ancient DNA library is up to 96 samples with our unique dual indexes. With BioDynami’s unique Four-Base Difference Index System, each of the index has at least 4 bases different from others in the 8-base index. The unique dual indexing primers remove errors of sequencing such as de-multiplexing errors, index hopping, and reads mis-assignment etc. The unique dual index primers is in a 96-well plate format with 96 pre-mixed unique pairs of i5 and i7 index primers.

Kit advantages

  • Fast
  • Hands-on time: 10 minutes
  • Total time: 1.5 hours
  • Simple workflow
  • Amount of magnetic beads needed: Less than 50%
  • Guaranteed quality: High library conversion efficiency
  • Ancient DNA input: From 50 ng to 500 ng


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코아사이언스 coresciences BioDynami Korea distributor 한국 대리점 NGS Library Preparation Targeted Sequencing DNA purification magnetic beads Nucleic acid extrasction DNA RNA Quantification DNA Fragmentation DNA ladder 핵산 분리 정제 추출 시퀀싱 차세대 염기서열 분석 키트 시약 마그네틱 비드