티스토리 뷰
[Illumina platform] PCR-Free NGS DNA Library Prep Kit [30040, 30041]_BioDynami - 코아사이언스
코피디 2023. 11. 29. 15:29The PCR-free NGS DNA Library Prep Kit was developed for construction of DNA libraries for next generation sequencing (illumina platform). The kit adds 3′-dT-tailed library adapters to both ends of DNA fragments efficiently. The kit uses double strand DNA fragments (blunt and/or sticky) as input DNA for NGS library construction, and is compatible with DNA fragments generated from both enzymatic methods (BioDynami DNA fragmentation enzymes etc.) and physical methods (sonication, nebulization etc.).

PCR-Free NGS DNA Library Prep Kit Workflow
PCR amplification is a standard step for library preparation of Next-Generation Sequencing. The PCR is used to amplify fully ligated DNA fragments and to add index information to the libraries. The indexing is for the pooling of the library samples in an effort to reduce the sequencing cost.
However, PCR introduces uneven amplification of DNA in some DNA regions with extreme GC-contents and secondary structures. This bias can cause very low sequencing coverage in such regions. DNA sequencing in these regions is still a huge challenge.
PCR-free library prep can reduce library bias and minimize sequencing gaps. The sequencing data from PCR-free library samples have even genomic coverage with few gaps and better depth in GC-rich regions. Our PCR-free NGS kit offers optimal coverage in the regions that are traditionally difficult, such as high-GC content regions, low-GC content regions, and repetitive sequence regions.
Two index types are available for the kit:
Non-index: Libraries do not have index.
Index: Each library contains one i5 index and one i7 index. Library multiplexing up to 96 samples is possible. List of indexes can be downloaded Here.
Kit advantages:
- Total time: 1 hr
- Hands-on time: 5 min
- Easy procedure: Ready-to-use master mix & Less reaction components
- Input DNA amount from 100 ng to 1 ug
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코아사이언스 coresciences BioDynami Korea distributor 한국 대리점 NGS Library Preparation Targeted Sequencing DNA purification magnetic beads Nucleic acid extrasction DNA RNA Quantification DNA Fragmentation DNA ladder 핵산 분리 정제 추출 시퀀싱 차세대 염기서열 분석 키트 시약 마그네틱 비드
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