티스토리 뷰

NGS DNA Library Prep Customization Kit

Cat.#        Reactions           Protocol        MSDS      

30001S   24 reactions        download     download

30001L   48 reactions       download      download

The kit was developed for construction of high quality libraries for next generation sequencing. The kit is derived from our NGS DNA Library Prep Kit. Similarly, the kit needs DNA fragments as input for library construction, and is compatible with DNA fragments generated from enzymatic methods and physical methods. Both enzymatic DNA fragmentation (DNA Fragmentation & A-tailing Enzyme Mix Cat.# 40062) and physical DNA fragmentation (sonication etc) have great outcome with the customization kit.

With the expansion of the NGS applications, requirements for library preparation are very diverse and in some cases more customized library prep is needed. To facilitate the DNA library prep customization, we made the kit to help the scientists so they can totally customize the form of their own NGS libraries. Our kit allows the scientists to use their own designed adaptors, PCR primers, and PCR reagents.

Standard beads purification can be used to clean the constructed libraries after the library prep and subsequent PCR amplification step. The optimized beads purification step not only reduces the working time, but also decreases more than half of the beads amount needed.

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코아사이언스 coresciences BioDynami Korea distributor 한국 대리점 NGS Library Preparation Targeted Sequencing DNA purification magnetic beads Nucleic acid extrasction DNA RNA Quantification DNA Fragmentation DNA ladder 핵산 분리 정제 추출 시퀀싱 차세대 염기서열 분석 키트 시약 마그네틱 비드