Orientin=Luteolin-8-C-glucosideCat.# MO08113 / Size: 5mg, 10mgOrientin (Luteolin-8-C-glucoside) is a flavonoid that has been shown to have biological properties, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, which may be due to its ability to inhibit toll-like receptor 4. Orientin is an effective inhibitor of the growth of Leishmania amazonensis in vitro. It also inhibits the growth of C..

안녕하세요!연구용 시약 및 표준품(표준물질) 전문제조사 SimSon Pharma Limited 공식 수입/공급 업체 코아사이언스 입니다. 자세한 상품 정보 및 관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 문의주시기 바랍니다.감사합니다!코아사이언스 coresciences SimSon Pharma 수입 한국 표준품 표준물질 유연물질 reference material chemicals reference substances APIs impurity impurities working standards reference standards

The world's first Intracellular Polyamine Imaging ReagentPolyamineRED Intracellular Polyamine Imaging ReagentCat.# FDV-0020 / Size: 0.5mgDatasheet 본 시약은 세포 내 폴리아민을 특이적으로 이미징하는 시약으로 세포 용해 및 어떠한 전처리 과정이 필요하지 않습니다. 살아있는 세포에 사용할 수 있기 때문에 세포 내 폴리아민의 검출, 분포 확인 또는 반정량 분석에 적합합니다. PolyamineRED is a reagent for imaging intracellular polyamines specifically without any pretreatment or cell lysis. This can..

TurboTag 481XL (DY-481XL Protein Labeling Kit)Cat.# MK-D0103-Z003.0-001 / Size: 3 Reactions Large Stokes Shift! The TurboTag 481XL Protein Labeling & Purification Kit is designed for the labeling and purification of proteins to form protein-dye conjugates having fluorescence-excitation and fluorescence-emission maxima at around 553 nm and 641 nm.PropertiesMolecular Weight:727,75Empirical Formul..

TurboTag 489XL (DY-485XL Protein Labeling Kit)Cat.# MK-D0143-Z003.0-001 / Size: 3 ReactionsLarge Stokes Shift! The TurboTag 489XL Protein Labeling & Purification Kit is designed for the labeling and purification of proteins to form protein-dye conjugates having fluorescence-excitation and fluorescence-emission maxima at around 489 nm and 552 nmPropertiesMolecular Weight:599,67Empirical Formula:..

TurboTag 490 (DY-490 Protein Labeling Kit)Cat.# MK-D0125-Z003.0-001 / Size: 3 ReactionsThe TurboTag 490Protein Labeling & Purification Kit is designed for the labeling and purification of proteins to form protein-dye conjugates having fluorescence-excitation and fluorescence-emission maxima at around 489 nm and 552 nm, respectively.PropertiesMolecular Weight:1011,2Empirical Formula:C44H62N6O15S..

TurboTag 495 (DY-495 Protein Labeling Kit) Cat.# MK-D0109-Z003.0-001 / Size: 3 ReactionsThe TurboTag 495 Protein Labeling & Purification Kit is designed for the labeling and purification of proteins to form protein-dye conjugates having fluorescence-excitation and fluorescence-emission maxima at around 497 nm and 523 nm, respectively.PropertiesMolecular Weight:623,02Empirical Formula:C31H27N2O1..

Suffruticosol ACat.# CFN95778 / Size: 5mgCAS No.:220936-82-3Catalog No.:CFN95778Molecular Formula:C42H32O9Molecular Weight:680.7 g/molPurity:>=98%Type of Compound:PhenolsPhysical Desc.:PowderSource:The Stem of Vitis viniferaSolvent:Chloroform, Dichloromethane, Ethyl Acetate, DMSO, Acetone, etc.Download:Similar structural:Comparison (Web) (SDF)[ Biological Activity ][Storage]Providing storage i..
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