티스토리 뷰

BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating solution

Cat.# F202005 / Size: 60mL


Self-coating solution for 3D cell culture consumables

The BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating solution guarantees the creation of surfaces without unspecific protein or cell binding.

BIOFLOAT FLEX™ is a convenient and flexible solution for your protein and cell culture assays. It works on a broad range of materials, including pastic and glass, without complicated coating procedure. One pipetting step is sufficient to obtain full surface passivation in the nanometer scale without alteration of the geometry of the substrate. Moreover, the integrity of the inert surface is not influenced by cell culture media. Cell culture plates coated with BIOFLOAT™ FLEX are highly cell-repellent and rapidly induce the formation of highly uniform spheroids within just a few hours, saving you valuable time during your experiments.

Quick: BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating rapidly adsorbs to the cell plate surface without the need for surface preparation.

Stable: BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating is highly scratch-resistant and robust against media components.

Inert: BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating avoids unspecific surface binding of proteins and cells.



App note - primary hepatocyte spheroid culture

white paper biofloat flex

App note - Establishment of 3d spheroids for cancer research

Biofloat flex coating protocol

관련 상품 

BIOFLOAT™ 96-well plates (4 plates per pack) [F202003]

BIOFLOAT™ 384-well plates (4 plates per pack) [F224384]

코아사이언스 coresciences facellitate germany 독일 Korea 한국 대리점 세포배양 polymer solutions polymer coatings 3D cell culture drug discovery toxicology stem cell research 줄기세포 연구 Biofloat cell culture matrix anchor shield biotag rapid spheroid formation organoid culture spheroid culture mimic extracellular environments for stem cells screen compounds in 3D cell culture systems