티스토리 뷰

Artepillin C

Cat.# 84053 / Size: 10mg, 20mg, 50mg


Physicochemical data

CAS # 72944-19-5
Molecular formula C19H24O3
Molecular weight (g/mol) 300.39
Substance classification Phenylpropanes
Subclass 1 Cinnamic acid derivatives

Specifications & Notes

Degree of certification This substance is a primary reference substance with assigned absolute purity (considering chromatographic purity, water, residual solvents, inorganic impurities).
Certificate of analysis Exemplary certificate of analysis
Long-term storage deep frozen
Delivery time usually a stock item

Safety & Transport

Dangerous goods no
Material safety data sheet Material safety data sheet
Transport conditions in styrofoam box together with deep frozen gel packs
Customs tariff code 29182900
Commodity description carboxylic acid with phenol function


(botanical genus name)
Baccharis sp.


관련 상품


coresciences 코아사이언스 천연물 천연화합물 high-purity natural products 독일 phytoproof