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자세한 상품 정보 및 구매 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 문의주시기 바랍니다.




Cat.# 86658 / Size: 5mg, 10mg, 20mg, 50mg

Physicochemical data

CAS # 88095-77-6
Molecular formula C36H22O18
Molecular weight (g/mol) 742.55
Substance classification Tannins

Specifications & Notes

Degree of certification Dieckol reference substance is a primary reference standard with certified absolute purity (considering chromatographic purity, water, residual solvents, inorganic impurities).
Certificate of analysis Exemplary certificate of analysis
Long-term storage 2-8 °C
Delivery time usually a stock item

Safety & Transport

Dangerous goods no
Material safety data sheet Material safety data sheet
Transport conditions ambient conditions
Customs tariff code 29329900
Commodity description oxygen-heterocyclic compound


(botanical genus name)
Ecklonia sp.


아사이언스 coresciences PhytoLab GmbH & Co. KG 독일 한국 대리점 korea biochemical high quality phytochemicals reference standards analytical standard natural active ingredients products 표준품 기능성분 표준물질 지표성분 주성분 유효성분 순품 한방 한약 생약 천연물 신약 식물 유래 천연화합물 천연물 에클로니아 쿠로메 검둥감태 미역과 곤포 다시마 edible marine brown alga Ecklonia cava 감태 곰피 갈색 해조류 에클로니아 카바 플로로탄닌 플로로타닌 phlorotannin Eisenia bicyclis 아이세니아 바시클리스 대황 미역과 해조류 Ecklonia stolonifera OKAMURA turuarame 곰피 phlorotannin 플로로탄닌 성분 에클로니아 카바티