티스토리 뷰

OrganoStart Packages

Start with the most sophisticated 3D tissue culture platform today.

Learn how to use the most sophisticated 3D tissue culture platform successfully for your research with our OrganoStart packages. These packages include access to the E-learning that is designed to guide you, step-by-step, on how to use the OrganoPlate® for your experiments.


Kickstart successfully your first experiments with the OrganoPlate through our OrganoStart packages. The packages are designed to fully support your first use of the OrganoPlate platform and include: OrganoPlates, consultancy hours with our experts, and access to the E-learning.


Available packages: 

For more information about the OrganoStart (Pro) Packages and options, please get in touch (info@coresciences.co.kr)! 


OrganoPlate®: how it works 

Discover with this video how to grow and study sophisticated three-dimensional (3D) tissue & organ models in the OrganoPlate® platform.  


Learn more about:  

  • The look and feel of OrganoPlate® 
  • How the platform fits into your current workflow 
  • Which tissue culture possibilities are of your interest


관련 상품 

코아사이언스 coresciences 한국 대리점 판매점 수입처 공급 MIMETAS Korea The Netherlands 장기 칩 OOC 칩 위의 장기