티스토리 뷰




Ginseng (Panax sp.) one of the best selling natural products in the world, contains a large class of saponins mainly of dammarane-type triterpenoids structure, glucosides of Protopanaxdiol or Protopanaxtriol, called GINSENOSIDES. They are critical markers of species, processing and quality of ginseng and ginseng-based products. The composition of such saponin mixture compared to ginsenoside standards of a given plant or extract is typical of its specy : Asian ginseng, American ginseng, Notoginseng or others... These substances are also broadly investigated for their health and pharmacological properties, specially in CNS and cardiovascular diseases prevention, or as chemopreventives and antidiabetics. We offer a complete list of useful high quality ginsenoside reference materials, to be used as analytical standards or makers for biological studies.


상품 정보


 Cat.# Product Name   CAS no.  Size
 0150 S  Ginsenoside CK  39262-14-1  5mg
 0105 S  Ginsenoside Rb1  41753-43-9  5mg
 0104 S  Ginsenoside Rb2  11021-13-9  5mg
 0151 S  Ginsenoside Rb3  68406-26-8  5mg
 0106 S  Ginsenoside Rc  11021-14-0  5mg
 0102 S  Ginsenoside Rd  52705-93-8  5mg
 0103 S  Ginsenoside Re  52286-59-6  5mg
 0107 S  Ginsenoside Rf  52286-58-5  5mg
 0101 S  Ginsenoside Rg1  22427-39-0  5mg
 0108 S  Ginsenoside Rg2  52286-74-5  5mg
 0152 S  Ginsenoside Rg3  14197-60-5  5mg
 0153 S  Ginsenoside Rh1  63223-86-9  5mg
 0154 S  Ginsenoside Rh2  78214-33-2  5mg
 0157 S  Gypenoside XVII  80321-69-3  5mg
 0156 S  Notoginsenoside R1  80418-24-2  5mg
 2308  Protopanaxadiol  30636-90-9  5mg
 2307  Protopanaxatriol  1453-93-6  5mg
 0155 S  Pseudoginsenoside F11  69884-00-0  5mg


관련 자료 

[인삼종 특이적 마커/고려인삼, 전칠삼(삼칠인삼), 서양삼] PANAX SPECIES SPECIFIC MARKERS_Extrasynthese


코아사이언스 coresciences extrasynthese chemically defined natural substances chemicals compounds anthocyans, carotenoids from plants 표준품 기능성분 표준물질 지표성분 주성분 유효성분 순품