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Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals 수입/공급 전문업체 코아사이언스 입니다.

Reference standard 용도로 사용할 수 있는 고순도의 다양한 천연화합물을 좋은 가격으로 공급하고 있습니다.

Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals는 Sigma aldrich와 ChromaDex사 등 유수한 관련 천연물 판매회사에 

물품을 공급하고 있는 검증된 회사입니다. 

물품 배송시, COA(성적서)와 HPLC 결과를 기본 제공하고 있으며 Mass spectrum과 NMR 결과를 원하실 경우,

물품 주문시 말씀해 주시면 신청, 접수가 가능합니다.

자세한 상품 정보는 아래 배너 이미지를 클릭하시거나 전화 02-858-0328로 문의주세요.




coresciences 코아사이언스 천연물 천연화합물 Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals 한국 대리점 


Chengdu Biopurify Phytochemicals Ltd. is a leading company in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine) ingredient reference standards, High Purity Phytochemicals, Natural Active Ingredients and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients worldwide.

Our mainly services include:
A. Supply high quality extracts, phytochemicals and reference standards of TCM
B. Custom extraction and purification, target TCM Active Ingredients(TCM extract monomers)
C. Custom synthesis and semi-synthesis for Active Ingredients
D. CR (contract research), CM (contract manufacture) and PD (process development) services from lab scale, pilot scale to commercial scale
E. TCM compounds library for drug screen,more than 1000 compounds available, many of them are our unique products.

Taking advantage of Chengdu's various natural resources and powerful scientific research centers in Southwest of China, we are confident in offering our customer with comprehensive valuable services. With excellent quality products and good service, we have clients from more than a dozen countries and regions, and we pride ourselves in providing our customers with a total satisfaction experiences. We are doing our best to be your reliable partner for high quality Phytochemicals and Reference Standards from china.

We are committed to keeping all of our products in stock for immediate delivery, to providing ------ Good services, high quality products and competitive prices.