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Reference standards & Research Chemicals 전문제조사 Clearsynth 수입/공급 업체 코아사이언스 입니다.


자세한 상품 정보 및 관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 문의주시기 바랍니다.



Technology based research driven enterprise

Clearsynth is a technology based, research driven enterprise with the World's Largest Inventory of Reference Standards & Research Chemicals. We aim to enable the research community in accelerated discovery via synthesis of complex and difficult to make compounds.

We specialize in Innovative Organic chemistry and synthesis of Unique Complex Molecules, Stable Isotope Labelled compounds, Metabolites, Impurities, Glucuronides, Chiral Compounds, Conjugate Impurities, and Radioactive Labelled Compounds. We also undertake synthesis of complex Molecules or "Difficult to Synthesize" compounds/Intermediates.


Overview of our World class facilitiesLab & R&D CENTRE

The cGMP compliant R&D facility based at Hyderabad is operational since 2015.

R&D Centre

The New State of the art R&D center in Canada in the forefront of Clearsynth efforts for a successful entry into the advanced regulated markets.

Global Stock points

With 3 global strategic stock points, we are equipped to deliver anywhere in the world.

HI-Tech Corporate Office

Corporate office acts as a central processing division with over 100 people working constantly with high end process to address new age customers.

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코아사이언스 coresciences clearsynth Inc. Korea 한국 대리점 Analytical Standards 의약품 표준물질 impurity 불순물 성분 분석 유연물질 표준품 지표물질 표준성분 지표성분 유효성분 HPLC 분석 API Standards 의약품 표준물질 지표성분 reference standard stable isotopes 동위원소 표지물질 EP standards Intermediates 중간체 대사체 metabolites phytochemicals 식물유래 화합물 glucuronides activators antagonists aromatics anti-virals catalysts chiral molecules research chemicals radioactive labelled compounds stable isotope labelled compound