티스토리 뷰
phyproof® Hydroxyanthracene Derivatives
Whether for quality control or pharmacological/toxicological research: PhytoLab is offering you an outstanding portfolio of highly purified phyproof® reference standards for quantitative analysis of hydroxyanthracene derivatives (HADs).
HADs, comprising, among others, Sennidins A-B, Sennosides A-C, Rhein, Frangulin A, Emodin, or Aloe-emodin are active components in many medicinal and food plants, e.g., senna (Cassia sp.), rhubarb (Rheum sp.), cascara buckthorn (Frangula sp.), or aloe (Aloe sp.), due to their pharmacological and physiological effects.[2]
Only recently, HADs have been subject to scientific and regulatory scrutiny.[1-3] The EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) delivered a scientific opinion on the safety of certain HADs.[1] The panel concluded that Aloe-emodin, Emodin and Danthrone are regarded as genotoxic in vitro. Based on this assessment, these HADs and certain plant preparations containing them were placed in Part A of the Annex III to Regulation (EC) 1925/2006 and their content in food containing the above plants/preparations shall not contain levels above 1 ppm.[3,4]
Regarding Herbal Medicinal Products, Aloe-emodin, Emodin, Rhein, as well as Sennoside B are specified as markers in the respective European Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.) monographs[5-9] for content and purity assessment by HPLC.
Our fully documented high purity phyproof® reference standards of relevant HADs meet all the requirements - whether for pharmaceutical quality control according to Ph.Eur. or analysis of food supplements, cosmetics or feed.
Find your compound below:
Name | CAS # |
Aloe emodin | 481-72-1 |
Aloe emodin 8-glucoside | 33037-46-6 |
Aloin A | 1415-73-2 |
Aloin B | 28371-16-6 |
Cascaroside A | 53823-08-8 |
Chrysophanol | 481-74-3 |
Chrysophanol 8-glucoside | 13241-28-6 |
Danthrone | 117-10-2 |
Emodin | 518-82-1 |
Emodin 8-glucoside | 23313-21-5 |
Frangulin A | 521-62-0 |
Frangulin B | 14101-04-3 |
Glucofrangulin A | 21133-53-9 |
Glucofrangulin B | 14062-59-0 |
Physcion | 521-61-9 |
Rhein | 478-43-3 |
Rhein 8-glucoside | 34298-86-7 |
Sennidin A | 641-12-3 |
Sennidin B | 517-44-2 |
Sennoside A | 81-27-6 |
Sennoside A1 | 66575-30-2 |
Sennoside B | 128-57-4 |
Sennoside C | 37271-16-2 |
[1] EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) M. Younes, P. Aggett, F. Aguilar, R. Crebelli, M. Filipič, M.J. Frutos, P. Galtier, D. Gott, U. Gundert-Remy, G.G. Kuhnle, C. Lambré, J.C. Leblanc, I.T. Lillegaard, P. Moldeus, A. Mortensen, A. Oskarsson, I. Stankovic, I. Waalkens-Berendsen, R.A. Woutersen, R.J. Andrade, C. Fortes, P. Mosesso, P. Restani, F. Pizzo, C. Smeraldi, A. Papaioannou, M. Wright Safety of hydroxyanthracene derivatives for use in food. EFSA J. 2018 23, 16(1):e05090 https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5090.
[2] BfR, 2017 Food supplements with whole-leaf Aloe preparations containing anthranoids are associated with health risks. BfR Opinion No. 032/2017 of 2 November 2017 https://doi.org/10.17590/20171108-091347.
[3] EFSA NDA Panel (EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens), D. Turck, T. Bohn, J. Castenmiller, S. De Henauw, K.I. Hirsch-Ernst, H. K .Knutsen, I. Mangelsdorf, H.J. McArdle, A. Naska, K. Pentieva, A. Siani, F. Thies, S. Tsabouri, M. Vinceti, A. Rossi, A.. Titz, T. Fiolet, A. Maciuk 2024 Scientific Opinion on additional scientific data related to the safety of preparations of Rheum palmatum L., Rheum officinale Baill. and their hybrids, Rhamnus purshiana DC., Rhamnus frangula L. and Cassia senna L., submitted pursuant to Article 8(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006. EFSA Journal, 22(5), e8766 https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2024.8766.
[4] Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on the addition of vitamins and minerals and of certain other substances to foods http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2006/1925/2024-07-17.
[5] European Pharmacopoeia, 11th edition 2024, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-7692-8189-7 https://www.edqm.eu/en/european-pharmacopoeia-ph.-eur..-11th-edition.
[6] EMA (European Medicines Agency: Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)) 2017, European Union herbal monograph on Aloe barbadensis Mill. and on Aloe (various species, mainly Aloe ferox Mill. and its hybrids), folii succus siccatus. European Union Herbal Monograph EMA/HMPC/625788/2015: 1-9.
[7] EMA (European Medicines Agency: Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)) 2020, European Union herbal monograph on Rheum palmatum L. and Rheum officinale Baillon, radix EMA/HMPC/113700/2019.
[8] EMA (European Medicines Agency: Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)) 2017, European Union herbal monograph on Senna alexandrina Mill. (Cassia senna L.; Cassia angustifolia Vahl), folium and fructus. European Union Herbal Monograph EMA/HMPC/625849/2015.
[9] EMA (European Medicines Agency: Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)) 2017, European Union herbal monograph on Rhamnus frangula L., cortex. European Union Herbal Monograph EMA/HMPC/726261/2016.
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