티스토리 뷰

Cellaris™ Cell Labelling Kits

Cellaris™ (previously known as Luminicell Tracker™) is the next-generation cell labelling kit, which contains highly biocompatible and photostable fluorescence nanoparticles, allowing wide variety of cell tracking applications both in vitro and in small animal models.

Enhanced Brightness

10X fluorescent intensity compared to premium quantum dots of comparable sizes. Pushing the limits of cell visualisation.

Superior Photostability

Fluorescence signal retention greater than 90% after 10 minutes of laser irradation.

Long-Term Stability

Up to 21 days of in-vivo cancer cells tracking ability. Cell lineage tracing up to 10 cell generations in-vitro.

Efficient Labelling

High labelling rate of > 99% for most cell lines. Rapid labelling can be achieved within 1 hour.



주문 정보

Ex (nm)
Cellaris™ 470 (Blue)
Trial (up to 20 tests)
Half (up to 50 tests)
Standard (up to 100 tests)
Cellaris™ 506 (Cyan)
Cellaris™ 540 (Green)
Cellaris™ 670 (Red)
Cellaris™ 810 (NIR-I)
Cellaris™ 1010 (NIR-II)

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코아사이언스 coresciences Luminicell Korea 한국 대리점 판매 advanced biocompatible fluorescent probes for long-term live cells, deep-tissue bio-imaging, diagnostics applications Nanolumi 자회사 Cellaris™ - Cell Labelling Kit Vascular Tracker™ - Vascular Labelling Kit Customised Bio-conjugation Solutions Biocompatible Organic-Based Fluorescent Nanoparticles aggregation-induced emission (AIE) fluorescent nanoparticles 살아있는 세포 이미징 염색 혈관 조형 염색 시약