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New Products from BioAustralis

BioAustralis is delighted to announce the release of over 60 new microbial metabolites, adding to our extensive catalogue. Most are first-to-market.

A focus of this update is microbial pesticides, products of intense interest for agrochemical research. 

  • Antifungals – canadensolide, hymeglusin, funiculosin, ilicicolin H, sporminarins A and B, and sordarin;
  • Antiinsectans - leporin A and haenamindole;
  • Plant growth regulators - scytalone, neovasinin, cis-ferulic acid and methyl cis-ferulate;
  • Nematicide - 4-hydroxyscytalone. 

Other metabolites of high interest are:

  • Stromemycin, an inihibitor of metalloproteinase-3, patented for treatment of connective tissue disorders.  Lack of availability has hindered full investigation of this interesting metabolite.
  • Sambutoxin, a platelet aggregation inhibitor with remarkable antiproliferative effects, which inhibits ROS production and induces G2/M arrest and apoptosis by activating the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway.


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