티스토리 뷰

BioDomi사 Process Impurity Residue & Content Detection 관련 상품

Product Cat.# Tests/kit Packaging
Components Size Storage
Ultra Nuclease ELISA Kit  KEB01-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard(0.5µg/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 15mL×1vial 2-8℃
Sample Dilution 30mL×1vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1vial 2-8℃
Developing solution A 8mL×1vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing solution B 8mL×1vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1vial 2-8℃
Trypsin Like Enzyme ELISA Kit KET01-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard A (40ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard B (16ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard C (6.4ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard D (2.56ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard E (1.024ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard F (0.41ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Sample Dilution 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
KET02-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard (1μg/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Sample Dilution 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
BSA  ELISA Kit S0111A-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard (5μg/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 40μL×1 tube 2-8℃
Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
S0111B-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard (5μg/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 40μL×1 tube 2-8℃
Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Kanamycin ELISA Kit KN0111A-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Standard (50ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Sample Dilution 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Enzyme-labeled Secondary Antibody 12mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Antibody Working Solution 7mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Gentamicin ELISA Kit GE0111A-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard (100 ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Sample Dilution 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Enzyme-labeled Secondary Antibody 12mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Antibody Working Solution 7mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Collagenase Type I ELISA Kit CI0111A-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard (1μg/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody (10×) 1.5mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Diluent 60mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Protein A Residue ELISA kit P0111A-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard1:Applicable to MabSelect SuRe ligand (50ng/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard2:Applicable to MabSelect PrismA ligand(50ng/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard3:Recombinant Protein A (TRUKING MICRO-SPHERE)(50ng/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard4:MaXtar® ARPA ligand ProteinA(Bio-Link)(50ng/mL) 300μL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Sample Dilution (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Plasmid DNA Residue (qPCR) Detection Kit ZL10311C-100 100 Reactions Plasmid Primer&Probe MIX 550µL×1 tube -20℃(keep in dark)
2×qPCR Reaction MIX 1.6mL×1 tube -20℃
Linearized DNA Quantitative Reference (4×108copies/µL) 50µL×1 tube -20℃
Nonlinear DNA Quantitative Reference(2×108copies/µL) 50µL×1 tube -20℃
DNA Dilution 1.5mL×3 tubes -20℃
Lentivirus Titer (HIV-1 P24) ELISA Kit P20111B-96 96 Tests  Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Lysis Solution 1.5mL×1 tube 2-8℃
Standard (150ng/mL) 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody (100×) 150μL×1 tube 2-8℃
Diluent 60mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Lentivirus Titer Colloidal Gold Immunochromatographic Calorie  P20411A-10 10pcs Lentivirus Quick Detection Card 1×10 strip RT
Buffer Solution 1.5mL×1 tube RT
Human IL-6 ELISA KIT  I60111A-96 96 Tests  Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Standard 1mL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody 10mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Sample Dilution 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Human IFN-γ ELISA KIT  HIF0111A-96 96 Tests  Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Sample Dilution 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody (10×) 1.5mL×1 tube 2-8℃
HRP-Conjugate Antibody Dilution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Standard (200ng/mL) 300µL×1 tube -20℃
AAV8 Titration ELISA Kit A80111A-96 96 Tests Microtiter Plate 96T(8 x 12 strips) 2-8℃
Biotin-Conjugate Antibody (20×) 750µL×1 tube 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Strep-HRP (20×) 750µL×1 tube 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Sample Dilution 60mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Biotin-Conjugate Antibody Dilution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Strep-HRP Dilution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Wash Buffer (20×) 30mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Developing Solution A 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Developing Solution B 8mL×1 vial 2-8℃ (keep in dark)
Stop Solution 15mL×1 vial 2-8℃
Standard(1.32E+11 capsids/mL) 150µL×4 tube Below -70℃

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