티스토리 뷰



=Astramembrangenin; Cyclosieversigenin; Cyclosiversigenin

Cat.# BP0434 / Size: 20mg, 100mg, 1g


Cas No.: 78574-94-4
Formula: C30H50O5
Mol Weight: 490.725
Botanical Source: Sapogenin from Astragalus galegiformis
Physical Description: Cryst.
Type of Compound: Triterpenoids

Purity: 95%~99%
Analysis Method: HPLC-DAD or/and HPLC-ELSD
Identification Method: Mass, NMR
Packing: Brown vial or HDPE plastic bottle

Storage: Store in a well closed container, protected from air and light. Put into refrigerate or freeze for long term storage.
Whenever possible, you should prepare and use solutions on the same day. However, if you need to make up stock solutions in advance, we recommend that you store the solution as aliquots in tightly sealed vials at -20℃. Generally, these will be useable for up to two weeks.

Cycloastragenol(CAG), a triterpene aglycone derived from Radix astragali , can suppress the accumulation of cytoplasmic lipid droplet in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.[1]
Two Chinese herb-derived small molecule telomerase activators, astragaloside IV (AG-IV) and cycloastragenol, have recently been shown to improve the proliferative response of CD8+ T lymphocytes from HIV-infected patients by upregulating telomerase activity, they also may exert their cellular effects through the activation of the Src/MEK/ERK pathway.[2]
Cycloastragenol is the aglycone derivative of astragaloside IV which has recently been demonstrated to activate telomerase and represents a potential drug candidate for the treatment of degenerative diseases, it is efficiently absorbed through intestinal epithelium; it moderately increases telomerase activity and proliferative capacity of both CD4 and CD8 T cells. [3,4]
Cycloastragenol and astragaloside IV suppress ROS-associated ER stress and then inhibited TXNIP/NLRP3 inflammasome activation with regulation of AMPK activity, and thereby ameliorated endothelial dysfunction by inhibiting inflammation and reducing cell apoptosis, they are equally effective in regulation of endothelial homeostasis.[5]
Cycloastragenol can remarkably inhibit CYP3A4 and activate CYP2E1 in rats.[6]
Cycloastragenol has been shown to extend T cell proliferation by increasing telomarase activity showing that it may also help delay the onset of cellular aging ; it is an extraordinary wound healing agent; it inhibits the apoptosis of PC12 induced by 6-OHDA, may be as potential neuroprotective agents in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. [7]

[1] Wang S, Zhai C, Liu Q, et al. Biochem Bioph Res Co, 2014, 450(1):306-11.
[2] Yung L Y, Lam W S, Ho M K, et al. Planta Med, 2011, 78(2):115-21.
[3] Zhu J, Lee S, Ho M K C, et al. Drug Metab Pharmacok, 2010, 25(5):477-86.
[4] Valenzuela H F, Fuller T, Edwards J, et al. J Immunol, 2009, 182.
[5] Yan Z, Qiang L, Zhao W, et al.J Ethnopharmacol, 2015, 169(20):210-8.
[6] Wei B H, Jing Y E, Xue B J, et al. Chinese Journal of New Drugs, 2014, 23(4):476-9.
[7] Nesil T, ürkmez A ?, Bedir E. Planta Med, 2011, 77(12):1444.
[8] Wang J S. Strait Pharmacy, 2009, 21 (2): 39-41.


For Reference Standard and R&D, Not for Human Use Directly.


관련 상품

Ononin; Ononoside; Fomononetin-7-O-glucoside [BP1031][CAS no. 486-62-4]

[관중 표준물질] Dryocrassin; Tetraalbaspidin ABBA; Methylenebisnorflavaspidic acid ABBA [BP0516][CAS no. 12777-70-7]

[마늘/양파 표준물질] Allicin (알리신) [BP0141] [Cas No. 539-86-6]

[범부채/사간/붓꽃 표준물질][CP Phytochemicals] Irisflorentin [BP0769][CAS no. 41743-73-1]

[삼칠삼/전칠삼(Notoginseng) 표준물질][CP Phytochemicals] Notoginsenoside R1 [BP1010][CAS no. 80418-24-2]

[자리공/상륙 표준물질] Esculentoside A; Phytolaccasaponin E; Phytolaccoside E [BP0560] [Cas No. 65497-07-6]

[상산 표준물질] Beta-Febrifugine [BP0264][CAS no. 24159-07-7]

[다투라/사리풀 표준물질] Hyoscyamine; Hyoscyamine; Daturine; Duboisine [BP0749][CAS no. 101-31-5]

[마삭줄/연교/우엉 표준물질] Arctiin (악틴); Arctigenin-4-glucoside [BP0187] [Cas No. 20362-31-6]

[파출리/패출리/곽향 표준물질][CP Phytochemicals] Patchouli alcohol (패츌리 알코올); Patchoulol; Patchouli camphor [BP1067][CAS no. 5986-55-0]

[황금/골무꽃/쉬땅나무/단삼 표준물질][CP Phytochemicals] Scutellarin (스쿠텔라린); Breviscapin; Scutellarein-7-O-beta-D-glucuronide [BP1278] [Cas No. 27740-01-8]

Herniarin; 7-Methoxycoumarin; Umbelliferone methyl ether; Ayapanin; Methyl umbelliferyl ether [BP0722][CAS no. 531-59-9]

Coumarin (쿠마린); Coumarinic anhydride; alpha-Benzopyrone; Cumarin [BP0402][Cas No. 91-64-5]

한방/생약 지표성분, 표준품, 표준물질, 유효성분, 기능성분


코아사이언스 coresciences biopurify phytochemicals high quality phytochemicals reference standards natural active ingredients traditional chinese medicine 표준품 기능성분 표준물질 지표성분 주성분 유효성분 순품