티스토리 뷰


Caffeoylmalic acid (Lithium salt)

Cat.# 89238 / Size: 10mg, 25mg

Physicochemical data

Molecular formula
Molecular weight (g/mol)
Substance classification
Subclass 1
Subclass 2

Specifications & Notes

Degree of certification
Caffeoylmalic acid reference substance is a primary reference standard with certified absolute purity (considering chromatographic purity, water, residual solvents, inorganic impurities).
Special notes
This product is delivered as Lithium salt. Please note that the given CAS # refers to the free base as there is no CAS # for the Lithium salt available. The counterion is determined quantitatively and treated as an impurity in the calculation of the absolute purity of this reference substance. The assigned absolute purity on the certificate of analysis of this reference standard, therefore, refers to the pure Caffeyolmalic acid. This reference substance has been prepacked and is available in 10 mg portions only. Therefore, the discount scheme for larger units is not applicable to this reference standard.
Certificate of analysis
Certificate of analysis currently not available. Please contact us!
Long-term storage
< -15 °C
Delivery time
usually a stock item

Safety & Transport

Dangerous goods
Material safety data sheet
Transport conditions
in styrofoam box together with deep frozen gel packs
Customs tariff code
Commodity description
carboxylic acid with phenol function


(botanical genus name)
Chelidonium sp., Cichorium sp., Urtica sp.

관련 상품

코아사이언스 coresciences PhytoLab GmbH & Co. KG 독일 한국 대리점 korea biochemical high quality phytochemicals reference standards analytical standard natural active ingredients products 표준품 기능성분 표준물질 지표성분 주성분 유효성분 순품 한방 한약 생약 천연물 신약 식물 유래 천연화합물 천연물