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"Keillor TG2 Inhibitors" (acrylamide compounds)

Compounds AA9 (Z015), NC9 (Z016), and VA4 (Z017) were developed and produced by Dr. Jeffrey Keillor, Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Ottawa, Canada. The mechanism-based blockers carry an irreversibly acting acrylamide warhead linked to a lysine side chain. The NC9 and VA4 compounds are valuable tools shown to lock TG2 in the open conformation in vitro and in living cells, and to abolish GTP binding. Further, the molecules halt the proliferation and invasion of cancer stem cells. Find more details in the respective product data sheet (PDS).

The “Keillor TG2 Inhibitors” bear an acrylamide warhead, being attacked by the active site cysteine residue (1) to form an irreversible complex (2, 3).

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코아사이언스 coresciences​ ZEDIRA GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany Korea 한국 대리점 distributor 트랜스글루타미나제 트랜스글루타미나아제 트랜스글루타미네이스 트랜스글루타미네이즈 활성 분석 측정 키트