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„DON“ compounds

These potent molecules are side-chain modified peptides. The electrophilic “DON” group replaces the substrate glutamine. The active site cysteinyl residue attacks the carbonyl group (1). The subsequent reaction leads to the release of nitrogen (2) and the concomitant irreversible alkylation at the active site of the transglutaminases (3).


Zedira developed molecules frequently used in scientific literature.

  • Z-DON (Z006; Z-DON-Val-Pro-Leu-OMe) Z-DON is a very potent and specific blocker of tissue transglutaminase (IC50 about 0.02 μM) and is membrane permeable.
  • Boc-DON (B003; Boc-DON-Gln-Ile-Val-OMe) Boc-DON is a potent and specific blocker of tissue transglutaminase (IC50 about 0.3 μM) and is not membrane permeable.

Ordering Information

* 본 상품은 오직 연구용으로만 사용 가능합니다. 인체 및 제품화에 사용하실 수 없습니다.

코아사이언스 coresciences​ ZEDIRA GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany Korea 한국 대리점 distributor 트랜스글루타미나제 트랜스글루타미나아제 트랜스글루타미네이스 트랜스글루타미네이즈 활성 분석 측정 키트