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Gö 6983

=GO 6983; Goe 6983

Cat.# Axon2466 / Size: 5mg, 25mg, 2 x 5mg, 2 x 25mg

Broad spectrum PKC inhibitor lacking inhibitory effect for PKCμ

Chemical name


CAS [133053-19-7]

MF C26H26N4O3

MW 442.51

Purity: 99%

Soluble in DMSO


Broad spectrum PKC inhibitor lacking inhibitory effect for the PKCμ isotype (IC50 values ranging from 7-60 nM for PKCα-PKCζ , and 20000 nM for PKCμ, respectively). Gö6983 significantly enhanced ERK1/2 activity not only in IL-6-stimulated cells, but also the basal ERK1/2 activity in non-stimulated cells; yet, it has no effect on IL-6-triggered B9 cell proliferation, suggesting a crucial role for PKCμ. Useful tool for isolation, generation, derivatization and stabilization of naive human pluripotent stem cells in so called NHSM conditions developed at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

KEYWORDS: GO 6983 | supplier | PKC inhibitor | GO6983 | Gö 6983 | Gö6983 | GO6983 | CAS [133053-19-7] | PKCμ | Inhibitor | MAPK | ERK | ischemia | reperfusion | IL-6 | proliferation | naïve | pluripotent | stem cells


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코아사이언스 coresciences​ Axon medchem 한국 대리점  Ligands small molecule inhibitors or modulators targeting more than 850 biological targets of cell signaling, gene transcription, apoptosis, cell cycle regulation, CNS stem cell research signaling oncology epigenetic research receptors Ion channels Biomarkers labeling reagent transcription factors ligand sets proteins screening library