티스토리 뷰

The world's first Acrolein Detection Reagent in Live Cells


Cat.# FDV-0022 / Size: 0.5mg


What is Acrolein

Acrolein (2-propenal), the simplest α,β-unsaturated aldehyde, which is found in a common dietary and environmental pollutant such as tobacco smoke, is known as a highly toxic metabolite for cells. Not only in outer environment, but also acrolein is endogenously gererated in cells, especially under the oxidative stress condition. Enzymatic oxidation of threonine and polyamine species, reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated oxidation of highly unsaturated lipids are major source of acrolein in cells.

Recent evidences indicate acrolein is more toxic to cells than ROS such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or hydroxyl radicals. Because of its highly reactivity, acrolein in the cell immediately reacts with various biomolecules such as DNA/RNA and proteins, and subsequently impairs their functions. Acrolein has being researched for more than half-century and many detection methods were developed, such as fluorometric method, mass spectromy or antibody based detection method, etc. However, conventional methods are not appropriate for the detection in live cells and show poor selectivity and sensitivity.

Structural formula of Acrolein

코아사이언스 coresciences Funakoshi Inc. Japan 후나코시 한국 대리점 세포 내 아크롤레인 아크릴알데히드 관찰 염색 확인