티스토리 뷰

n-Dodecyl-β-D-Maltopyranoside, Anagrade

=n-Dodecyl-β-D-Maltoside • Lauryl Maltoside • Dodecyl 4-O-α-D-Glucopyranosyl-β-D-Glucopyranoside • DDM / LM

Cat.# D310 / Size: 1g, 5g, 25g

Molecular Formula: C24H46O11
CAS Number: [69227-93-6]
Formula Weight: 510.6
CMC: (H2O) ~ 0.17 mM(1) (0.0087%)
CMC: (0.2M NaCl) ~ 0.12 mM(2)
Aggregation Number: (H2O) ~ 78-149(1,2)
dn/dc: 0.1435ml/gm(4)
Micelle Size: 72 kDa(5)
Purity: ≥ 99% β+α (by HPLC analysis)
Percent Anomer: < 2% α (HPLC)
Percent Alcohol: < 0.005 Dodecanol (HPLC) 
pH: 5-8 (1% solution in water)
Solubility: ≥ 20% (in water at 0-5°C)
Conductance: < 40 μS (10% solution in water)
Fluorescence: <10% (0.1% solution in water at 345nm)
Absorbance of a 1% solution in water
225 nm: < 0.1
260 nm: < 0.06
280 nm: < 0.04
340 nm: < 0.02

For molar volume check reference 3

1. VanAken, T., Foxall-VanAken, S., Castleman, S. and Ferguson-Miller, S. (1986) Methods Enzymol. 125, 27-35.
2. Anatrace measurement in collaboration with Professor R. M. Garavito (Michigan State University).
3. Brown, G. M., Dubreuil, P., Ichhaporia, F. M. and Desnoyers, J. E. (1970) Canadian J. Chem. 48, 2525-2531.
4. Measurement obtained in collaboration with Professor Mark Foster (University of Akron) under an experimental services contract.
5. Strop, P. and Brunger, A. T. (2005) Protein Sci. 14, 2207-2211.


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코아사이언스 coresciences Anatrace USA Korea 한국 대리점 distributor detergents 고순도 계면활성제 lipids 지질 crystallization tools 단백질 결정화 high-purity detergents Dodecyl Maltoside (DDM), Decyl Maltoside (DM), Octyl Glucoside (OG), Lauryl Maltose Neopentyl Glycol (LM NG), LDAO and CYMAL-5   CHAPS, CHAPSO, NDSB-256 and NONIDET P40 DHPC, LysoFos Glycerol 14, LysoFos Choline 14 and DMPC Microlytic Crystal Former