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ICS - I4 Iso Standard

Cat.# 43610_3 / Size: 250mg

International Calibration Standard for HPLC analysis.

A purified, semi-crystalline preparation of trans-iso-α-acids in dicyclohexylamine ("DCHA") salt form. Derived from carbon dioxide extracted and isomerized α-acids of hops. Total iso-alpha-acids: 65.2% (w/w). Concentration was determined by the International Subcommittee for Isomerized Hop α-acids Standards and takes into account only the major forms of the ISO-α-acids that are present, including trans-isocohumulone, trans-isohumulone, and trans-isoadhumulone.


International Calibration Standard for HPLC analysis. A purified, semi-crystalline preparation of trans-iso-α-acids in dicyclohexylamine («DCHA») salt form. Derived from carbon dioxide extracted and isomerized α-acids of hops. Total iso-alpha-acids: 65.2% (w/w). Concentration was determined by the International Subcommittee for Isomerized Hop α-acids Standards and takes into account only the major forms of the ISO-α-acids that are present, including trans-isocohumulone, trans-isohumulone, and trans-isoadhumulone.

*본 상품은 오직 연구용으로만 사용 가능합니다. 인체 및 제품화에 사용하실 수 없습니다.


코아사이언스 coresciences American Society of Brewing Chemists ASBC American Society of Brewing Chemists 미국양조협회 European Brewery Convention 유럽 양조 협회 맥주 홉 호프 hop 추출물 표준물 표준물질 지표성분 지표 추출물 국제 교정 추출물 국제 보정 추출물