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Baseclick 수입/공급 업체 코아사이언스 입니다.


자세한 상품 정보 및 관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 문의주시기 바랍니다.



EdU cell proliferation kits

single cell proliferation/ cell division analysis


Click chemistry reagents

Clickable dyes, tags, linker, catalysts, ligands


DNA Applications

Clickable Phosphoramidite/ Nucleoside & Triphosphate


Preparation of fluorescent-labeled DNA probes

RNA Applications

Clickable Triphosphate/ Nucleoside & RNA labeling kit


Production of full-length mRNA  for sequencing applications


코아사이언스 coresciences baseclick korea distributor 한국 대리점 Oligonucleotides Surface Engineering Tools PEG and Linkers Non Fluorescent Tags Fluorescent Tags Click Reagents Free Nucleosides Peptide Pools Peptide Pools Amino Acid Labeling Modified and Standard Triphosphates RNA Labeling FISH Kits & Probes Metabolic Labeling Transfection Agents Cell Stains and Imaging Reagents Cell Proliferation Kits 올리고핵산 올리고뉴클레오티드 표지