티스토리 뷰


NanoSeedz Ltd 공식 수입/공급 업체 코아사이언스 입니다.


자세한 상품 정보 및 관련 문의는 전화 02-858-0328 또는 info@coresciences.co.kr로 문의주시기 바랍니다.



Au Nanocubes

Cat.#                  Slide length (nm)      Volume (mL)        OD at SPRW*

Nanocube-50        50 ± 2                            10                       1

Nanocube-90        90 ± 5                            10                       1

Nanocube-170    168 ± 6                            10                       1

*OD: optical densith at the surface resonance wavelength(SPRW) per centimeter light path.


NanoSeedz™ provides CTAB-capped gold nanocubes in three different sizes. The number purities of Au nanocubes in these products are 60‒70%. The synthesis of these gold nanocube samples has been precisely controlled. The samples are characterized and examined by extinction spectroscopy before delivery. We sincerely promise that the samples with the same label vary slightly from batch to batch.


코아사이언스 coresciences NanoSeedz Ltd 홍콩 한국 Korea distributor NanoSeedz™ Hong Kong nanoparticles nanoplasmonics The products of NanoSeedz™ include high-purity gold nanorods, gold nanospheres, gold nanoplates, gold nanobipyramids, coated and surface-functionalized metal nanoparticles NanoSeedz™ also supplies other functional inorganic nanoparticles, including silica, titanium dioxide, and magnetic nanoparticles. The products of NanoSeedz™ are closely related to a wide range of research fields, including solar cells, negative refractive index materials, non-linear optics, polarizers, electronics, sensors, catalysis, life sciences, and medical sciences biocompatible