티스토리 뷰


Cat.# Fuloro-Gold /Size: 20mg, 50mg

Fluoro-Gold (Fluorogold) is an exclusive product of Fluoprochrome, LLC.

Fluoro-Gold is the most widely usded and effective neuronal retrograde tracer in the world.

Fluorogold, trade name Fluoro-Gold, is also reffered to as hydroxystilbamidine.

*Causion: Fluoro-Gold, Antibodiy to Fluoro-Gold and Fluoro-Ruby are for inverstigational use only in laboratory research animals or for tests in vitro. NOT FOR USE IN HUMANS.


추천 상품

Fluoro-Ruby [Fluoro-Ruby]_Fluorochrome


Ki-67 Antibody-W [Ab-KI67], BrdU Antibody-W [Ab-BrdU], GFAP Antibody-W [Ab-GFAP]_Fluorochrome


[후나코시 세포 이미징 전문 시약/A "Brighter" future] Introduction To Unique Imaging Reagents From Funakoshi Company


[Lipid Metabolism Tracer] LipiDye-M [FDV-0028]

[살아있는 세포에서 미토콘드리아 FOA 활성 측정, 분석 키트/지방산 산화 분석 시약/Fatty Acid Oxidation Detection Reagent] FAOBlue [FDV-0033]

[2세대 LipiDye/Live imaging fluorescent dye for lipid droplets (LDs)] LipiDye II (리피다이 II) [FDV-0027]_Funakoshi -코아사이언스

코아사이언스 coresciences Fluorochrome antibodies Fluoro-Gold Fluoro-Ruby